21-01-2014 Current report no. 2/2014

Intention of public bond issue

The Management Board of ECHO INVESTMENT S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer or the Company) hereby reports that starting from January 20, 2014 they undertook activities aimed at an issue of bonds by the Company as part of the public bond issue programme.

The public bond issue programme involves issuing a few series of unsecured bonds with a maximum total value of PLN 200 mln within 12 months.
The bonds will be offered in a public offer and the Issuer is planning to subsequently place the bonds on the regulated Catalyst market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Legal basis: art. 56 (1.1) of the act on public quotations and conditions of introducing financial instruments to organized trade and on public companies of the 29th of July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 185 item 1539).

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