Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's message to the national workshop on implementation of Security Council resolutions 1624 (2005) and 2178 (2014), in Mombasa, Kenya, today:

It is a pleasure to greet the participants in this important national workshop.  I thank the organizers and all involved.

Terrorism defies our most fundamental shared values and aspirations.  It infringes on human rights, undermines international peace and security, and hampers economic and social development.

Our collective responses to terrorism must be decisive, comprehensive and, above all, firmly rooted in the protection of human rights and the rule of law.  Efforts to fight terrorism are legitimate and sustainable only to the extent that they are based on respect for the values and principles embodied in the United Nations Charter.

The United Nations attaches great importance to supporting the Government and people of Kenya in their efforts to face the growing challenges of terrorism and violent extremism.  I encourage the Government and all relevant national, regional and international actors and partners to work closely together to identify and mitigate the root causes of radicalization.

The United Nations counter-terrorism bodies, including the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), the Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) entities and the United Nations Counter Terrorism Centre (UNCCT), stand ready to step up their engagement by supporting projects and activities aimed at enhancing national capacities.

It is critical that counter-terrorism strategies are based on inclusion and dialogue so that they do not inadvertently lead to the marginalization of communities.  Exclusion only helps terrorist groups gain additional recruits and social support.  I therefore particularly welcome this workshop's initiative to bring together representatives of the Government, civil society, faith-based organizations and international experts to jointly develop a comprehensive approach to prevent terrorism and violent extremism.

I encourage you to share your views and experiences, and I wish you every success in addressing the threats to peace and security in Kenya.

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