DxTEL, a data-driven marketing firm, has partnered with WC Fiber, LLC, a subsidiary of West Carolina Tel, a rural telephone cooperative based in Abbeville, SC, to launch the first subscription-based digital marketing service designed specifically for rural gigabit broadband providers.

The package includes all of the essentials needed to digitally market gigabit service, including branded landing pages, digital creative, consumer-friendly content articles, monthly strategy consultations, and campaign management. Different subscription levels are available based on the level of support needed.

“After working with DxTEL on our own expansion project, we immediately saw the value in partnering with them to bring their unique services to other rural broadband providers around the country,” said Jeff Wilson, CEO of West Carolina Telephone and WCFiber.

“As the number of community-based providers rolling out gigabit broadband around the country increases, so is the need for more sophisticated and targeted marketing tactics to sell this state-of-the-art service,” said Robert Gilbert, Principal and COO of DxTEL.

“We frequently tell our clients that if they want to reach their best gigabit prospects, they need to do so across multiple devices throughout the day,” explained Gilbert. “Gig Marketing Suite was developed to help them do that in a cost-effective and scalable way.”

Pricing for a Gig Marketing Suite subscription ranges from $1,000 per month for content to $3,500 per month for a fully-managed solution. Monthly deliverables, such as content and creative, can also be customized based on an individual client’s needs.

In addition to Gig Marketing Suite, the new partnership will also provide a host of other data intelligence and digital marketing services to the sector, including programs for fiber expansion and existing revenue enhancement.

More information about DxTEL and Gig Marketing Suite can be found at www.dxtel.net.

About DxTEL

Founded in 2018, DxTEL uses the latest in data and digital technologies to improve marketing outcomes and increase community engagement for rural telecom, utilities and other broadband providers. Services range from data analysis and insights for fiber expansion, to fully-managed digital marketing programs and existing revenue enhancement.