WAYNE, Pa., Jan. 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Distributors and wholesalers overwhelmingly regard Amazon Business as their biggest threat, dwarfing other concerns. That’s one of the findings Unilog released today, after surveying 244 manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers.

Surprisingly, 52% of those same survey respondents admit they don’t have a strategy for competing with Amazon Business. And 43% of manufacturers surveyed said they sell direct on Amazon Business, often bypassing their traditional distribution channel.

The survey spotlighted a number of challenges the respondents face in eCommerce. Notably, more than half of respondents said it took them more than nine months to go live with an eCommerce site.

“Perhaps the number-one reason that so many B2B companies are unhappy with the time it takes to launch their eCommerce site is that they’re trying to achieve too much in one Big Bang moment,” said Unilog VP of Solution Delivery Brian Lombardo. “We recommend launching a new site in a rapid time frame and then evolving site capabilities and design over the years. You have to take a crawl, walk, run approach. It’s important to get your new site live as quickly as possible to recognize the business benefits.”

The full survey is available for free at this link: https://www.unilogcorp.com/infographics/B2B-Digital-Commerce-Benchmark-Survey-2018/ 

More highlights:

  • Nearly 80% of distributors said their eCommerce channel sales have grown over the past 24 months, while just 20% have seen stagnant or slowly decreasing sales
  • 44% of respondents claim that 20% or more of their revenue comes from online sales (not including EDI)
  • 37% of distributors are focused on converting traditional buyers to online customers, 31% are concentrating on generating incremental revenue online — and 22% of distributors – 1 in 5 – say they don’t have a good eCommerce strategy

“To fend off Amazon, B2B companies should focus more energy on product content,” said Unilog CEO Suchit Bachalli. “Better product content drives more eCommerce. That could mean the basics, such as cleaner product descriptions and specs, standardization of naming conventions, and crisp photos taken from various angles. It could also mean diagrams, videos, companion product information, and other useful content to help the buyer make an informed decision. The most successful distributors find ways to share their expertise online.”

About Unilog

Unilog is a global technology company that delivers powerful, affordable eCommerce solutions for the B2B marketplace. Our cloud-based eCommerce platform and product data enrichment services help distributors, manufacturers, and wholesalers increase online sales, reduce cost to serve, and enhance their digital channel. Unilog is an ISO 9001:2008- and ISO 8000-certified company with North American headquarters outside of Philadelphia, PA and international headquarters in Bangalore, India. For more information, visit www.unilogcorp.com

Bill Brazell

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