Today, Digby® revealed in-depth analysis of the holiday visit patterns of millions of shoppers with registered devices and retailer mobile apps across tens of thousands brick and mortar stores from November 25 to December 26. Digby found that retail's most loyal customers flocked to stores in higher numbers during the 2013 holiday shopping season, a 29.6% increase in total visits compared to the 2012 holiday season.

Digby observed this year's holiday shopping behavior through Localpoint, its location-enabled mobile platform that helps retailers and brands engage with their most loyal customers at the right time and place, all through the retailer's branded mobile app. Localpoint's Analytics module gives Digby's retail customers insight into shopper traffic patterns at their brick and mortar store locations including: store visits, return visits and dwell time.

Loyal Shoppers are Golden

Despite industry news that holiday retail traffic declined from last year, Localpoint data shows shoppers who hold retail mobile apps--retailers' most loyal customers--were more active than regular shoppers, as Digby saw a 29.6% increase in brick and mortar store traffic this holiday season. "This means that shoppers with branded mobile apps behave differently than other shoppers--they're likely to be much more active during the holiday than non app-holding shoppers and spend disproportionately more money," said David Sikora, CEO and founder of Digby. "Retailers have a significant opportunity here to positively impact their most loyal shoppers' in-store experiences. These are the shoppers on which retailers should focus."

Repeat Visits and Multiple Stops

Localpoint Analytics also showed that many shoppers made repeat visits during the shopping season, with 47% returning to the same retailer two or more times. Many customers had more than one retailer in mind when shopping during the holidays, with 50% of loyal shoppers visiting two or more separate retail stores.

In-Store Dwell Times

Localpoint Analytics data reports an average of 51-minute dwell times among shoppers during the holiday shopping season. On average, Digby found:

  • 2% of shoppers were "In & Out" of stores in 5-30 minutes
  • 94% of shoppers were "Curious" shoppers who lingered for 31-60 minutes
  • 4% were "Browsers" shoppers, dwelling from an hour to an hour and a half

Shopping Peak Periods

Localpoint Analytics data found the holiday season's busiest shopping days were November 29 and December 14. On November 29, store visits peaked at 11 a.m.

"We're at a turning point in capturing shopper attention, especially during the holiday season," said David Sikora, CEO and founder of Digby. "The actions of shoppers we witnessed over the last couple of months--where they shopped, how long they stayed, when they visited, etc.--confirm our understanding that shoppers are determined, even more so during the holidays, to find the best deals and get the best experience possible."

About Digby

Mobile technology's collision with brick and mortar stores challenges retailers to keep up with consumers who are better connected, better informed and more nimble than ever before. Digby's Localpoint platform enables you to become proactive in the buying process by connecting digital engagement to the physical world. With Localpoint embedded in your branded mobile app, you can seamlessly guide a consumer's purchase path across channels: driving store traffic through location-relevant marketing, personally engaging your customers in the brick and mortar store and developing new insights into consumer visit patterns across your locations. Digby, powering millions of apps in thousands of locations around the world, has been enabling top brands since 2006 including Bed Bath and Beyond, Cabela's, HP, Kohl's, RadioShack, and many more. Learn more about Digby and Localpoint at

Ketner Group
Catherine Seeds and Caitlin New, 512-794-8876