Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 79 - Developments in the Chinese Mobile market - Follow up on SnapShot 37" report to their offering.

This report considers the developments in the Chinese Mobile market, as a follow up to SnapShot 37, published in September 2014. It looks at the changes in subscriber numbers, mobile penetration rates and ARPU levels. Finally it considers the increase in 4G services, mobile data and the challenges with maintaining SMS and call volumes. The SnapShot surveys the introduction of App-based services and other examples of mobile innovation in the Chinese market.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction - Characteristics of the Chinese Mobile Market

2. Developments in the Chinese Mobile Market since the last SnapShot survey

3. Key changes in the Chinese Mobile Market

4. Conclusions - The growth slowdown in China

Companies Mentioned

- China Mobile

- China Telecom

- China Unicom

For more information about this report visit