WIESBADEN- The consumer price index for Germany is expected to rise by 1.7% in January 2013 compared with January 2012. Based on the results available so far, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the consumer price index is expected to decrease by 0.5% on December 2012. 

The harmonised consumer price index for Germany, which is calculated for European purposes, is expected to increase by 1.9% in January 2013 on January 2012. It is expected to decrease by 0.7% on December 2012. 

The final results for January 2013 will be released on 20 February 2013.


Every five years, the consumer price index is subject to a standard revision. In reference month January 2013, it was rebased from the former base 2005 to base year 2010. This includes a recalculation of results from January 2010. The final result for January 2013 on the new base of 2010 and the recalculated results from January 2010 will be released on

Then the Federal Statistical Office will also provide further information and explanations relating to this standard revision of the consumer price index on its website at www.destatis.de> Prices > Consumer prices.

>>> brief methodological description
>>> brief methodological descriptionHICP

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