MacKenzie Petroleums Limited Sentenced for Failing to Meet Fuel Reporting Requirements

WHITEHORSE, Y.T. - January 28, 2013 - On January 11, 2013, MacKenzie Petroleums Limited, based in Dawson, Yukon, pleaded guilty and was sentenced in Yukon Territorial court for offences under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

MacKenzie Petroleums Limited was fined $20,000, including:

  • $10,000 for failing to submit or provide reports on importing fuel as required by the Sulphur in Diesel Regulations;
  • $10,000 for failing to comply with the Environmental Protection Compliance Order. 

In April 2011, Environment Canada became aware that MacKenzie Petroleums Limited had imported fuel from Alaska to the Yukon on numerous occasions. During a follow-up inspection it was confirmed that the company did not submit to Environment Canada the reporting documents required by subsection 5(1) and 5(7) of the Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations.

An Environmental Protection Compliance Order was issued to the company on July 11, 2011, to provide all reports by September 30, 2011. The company did not comply with the order. All penalties will be payable to the Environmental Damages Fund in accordance with Section 294.1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

The Environmental Damages Fund is administered by Environment Canada. It was created to provide a mechanism for directing funds received as a result of fines, court orders, and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit our natural environment.

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