It was the first trading day of the delivery month for the 1501 contracts on January 5, when Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) sent a ^Risk Reminder ̄ to the member units, requiring the member units to raise the investors¨ awareness of risks and remind them to base the trading on rationality and compliance so as to prevent risks.

According to the letter, as the 1501 contracts of all futures products entered the delivery month on the 5th and some contracts saw relatively significant fluctuations, the member units are requested to effectively strengthen the education for the investors and timely remind the investors to enhance risk awareness and invest in a rational way; the member units should urge the clients to base the trading on compliance, and DCE will severely crack down on any violation found in accordance with the rules and systems.

As the prices of bulk commodities saw relatively significant fluctuations recently and some 1501 contracts recorded large open interests held by individual clients with the delivery month around the corner, since last month, DCE has stepped up the market monitoring and supervision to prevent and control risks. Recently DCE has focused on the inspection of the transactions of the clients, the asset management, the special corporate clients and other issues, closely investigated the behaviors of avoiding the position limit management system by means of dividing or transferring positions, and cracked down on trading violations, so as to maintain the normal trading order in the market and ensure the safe and sound operation of the market.

It was the first trading day of the delivery month for the 1501 contracts on January 5, when Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) sent a ^Risk Reminder ̄ to the member units, requiring the member units to raise the investors¨ awareness of risks and remind them to base the trading on rationality and compliance so as to prevent risks.

According to the letter, as the 1501 contracts of all futures products entered the delivery month on the 5th and some contracts saw relatively significant fluctuations, the member units are requested to effectively strengthen the education for the investors and timely remind the investors to enhance risk awareness and invest in a rational way; the member units should urge the clients to base the trading on compliance, and DCE will severely crack down on any violation found in accordance with the rules and systems.

As the prices of bulk commodities saw relatively significant fluctuations recently and some 1501 contracts recorded large open interests held by individual clients with the delivery month around the corner, since last month, DCE has stepped up the market monitoring and supervision to prevent and control risks. Recently DCE has focused on the inspection of the transactions of the clients, the asset management, the special corporate clients and other issues, closely investigated the behaviors of avoiding the position limit management system by means of dividing or transferring positions, and cracked down on trading violations, so as to maintain the normal trading order in the market and ensure the safe and sound operation of the market.

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