Current Report No. 1/2013
Report Date: 8 January 2013
Abbreviated name of the issuer:



Trading update 2012

Legal basis:

Article 56.1.1 of the Public Offering Act - confidential information

The Report:
The Management Board of Dom Development S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw (the
"Company") informs that the Company's results in 2012 were as follows
- net sales: 1,436 flats (including 334 in the fourth quarter of 2012;
- deliveries: 1,970 flats (including 549 in the fourth quarter of 2012.
The financial results of the Company for the fourth quarter were mostly influenced by the deliveries of flats completed in the following projects: Wilno (121 flats), Saska (113), Adria (85), Oaza - Wroc