FuturePlus Systems today is introducing the FS2800 DDR Detective®, the most comprehensive and cost effective DDR4, DDR3 and LPDDR2/3 validation and debug tool available. What makes this tool different is an innovative architecture that incorporates thousands of real-time counters which track the activity of the DDR bus.

FS2800 DDR Detective from FuturePlus Systems (Photo: Business Wire)

FS2800 DDR Detective from FuturePlus Systems (Photo: Business Wire)

The DDR Detective® represents a paradigm shift for design and validation of DDR memory subsystems. Memory subsystems are at the heart of all computer architecture designs. However, understanding the important metrics of memory controller to memory chip communication is fogged by the inability to capture and analyze large amounts of transactions between the two. Current methods require large trace buffers with sometimes slow operation and specialized software to look at the billions of transactions and unlock key metrics. The DDR Detective®, although equipped with traditional trace capabilities, takes a different approach. Instead of acquiring the data and post processing it to show the metrics, it counts the metrics real-time. This process is much more efficient, faster and never misses any bus activity. The traditional approach of repetitively acquiring massive amounts of data and off loading it, misses seconds if not minutes of valuable bus traffic. The DDR Detective® does not miss any bus activity. It is limited only by the depth of its counters which in most cases can count for days without ever missing even a single clock edge up to 2400MT/S on the new DDR4 standard. No trace buffer analysis approach can accomplish this.

"This product is another one of our innovative 'never been done before' approaches to helping our customers get their products to market faster. Tool vendors need to think out of the box, bring the price of analysis down and drive up functionality. With this tool we have accomplished that," stated President Ed Aichinger.

The DDR Detective® has several different configurations and probing options to meet the diverse needs of the computer and embedded electronics design industry. Pricing starts at $43,000, making it the most cost effective and highest performance DDR bus analysis tool available.

About FuturePlus Systems

FuturePlus Systems Corporation is a privately held manufacturer of bus protocol analysis tools for the computer and embedded electronic industry and has been in business for over 20 years. FuturePlus Systems is a Premier Member of the Agilent Technologies Solutions Partner Program and an Embedded Tools Partner to Tektronix. FuturePlus Systems has authorized resellers in major countries worldwide. More information about FuturePlus Systems may be found at www.FuturePlus.com.

FuturePlus, DDR3 Detective and DDR Detective are registered trademarks of FuturePlus Systems Corporation.


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FuturePlus Systems
Barbara Aichinger, 603-472-5905