Cutback Coach Co-Founders Nick Allen and Ian Andersen announced the nationwide launch of their proactive alcohol health platform, with the goal of helping anyone who regularly drinks alcohol build more mindful drinking habits. With 3 in 4 US adults drinking more in 2020 vs. 2019, and New Year’s resolutions season upon us, the founders see now as the perfect time to re-examine our collective relationship with alcohol.

Aiming to make tracking and goal setting around alcohol as common as tracking and goal setting calories and steps, Cutback Coach is creating a new wellness category in proactive alcohol health. After a 6-month beta program, in which thousands tested the product and experienced an average of 29% reduction in weekly alcohol consumption after 4 weeks, Cutback Coach is now poised to help millions build a healthier relationship with alcohol in 2021.

“We want to destigmatize the conversation around alcohol, and help people understand how small changes to drinking habits can have a huge impact on their physical and mental wellbeing. We believe just as you don’t need to be extremely out of shape to get benefits from tracking calories and steps, you don’t need to be an extremely heavy drinker to improve your overall health by tracking your alcohol consumption. Our goal is to help people be more mindful about their drinking, especially after the challenges 2020 presented for many of us,” says CEO and Co-Founder Nick Allen.

Unlike the vast majority of alcohol health apps and programs in the market today, Cutback Coach is focused on mindful drinking rather than an all-or-nothing approach. The program is designed for people who enjoy drinking and have no desire to quit, but who occasionally feel the impact of overconsumption. Cutback Coach provides a personalized plan for each participant, incorporating their lifestyle characteristics, baseline habits, and individual goals.

“Our current cultural norms around addressing alcohol health only when it becomes a major problem in our lives is fundamentally broken,” says Dr. Adi Jaffe, best-selling author of The Abstinence Myth and advisor to Cutback Coach. “Only 10% of drinkers who over consume show signs of physical dependence on alcohol, which means for 90% of the population, the opportunity is in building better habits rather than needing to cut out alcohol entirely. Cutback Coach is leading the way in building a new approach that provides an opportunity for millions more consumers to re-balance their relationship with alcohol, on their terms.”

Cutback Coach leverages proven behavioral psychology strategies to support users in balancing their drinking to achieve health benefits including better sleep, weight loss, increased productivity and more energy. The program takes a novel approach in that it’s delivered entirely via 2-way text message, providing an easy yet effective method for daily participation. As we enter the new year, getting more mindful about our drinking provides a major opportunity to improve our health and wellness, especially after a tough 2020.

About Cutback Coach

Cutback Coach, founded by Nick Allen and Ian Andersen, is creating a new wellness category around proactive alcohol health. Focused on mindful drinking rather than an all-or-nothing approach, Cutback Coach’s behavioral psychology-backed system provides each member a personalized plan catered to their lifestyles, baseline habits and individual goals. The Cutback Coach experience is delivered via 2-way SMS, providing a unique low friction approach that makes participation with the program simple and user friendly. Cutback Coach members achieve tangible benefits to overall health and wellness including increased productivity, weight loss, reduced anxiety and better sleep. For more information or to get started, visit