Kentucky-based Vecteezy, one of the largest vector, stock photo and stock video communities in the world, is starting the new year with massive growth and momentum on its side. The company hit several milestones in 2020 — surpassing 100 million user sessions — and plans to continue company growth by hiring at least 40 new employees this year.

A staple in the design community for more than a decade now, Vecteezy substantially expanded its platform offerings in 2020 by launching stock photos and 4k stock videos. The website offers millions of free digital illustrations, stock photos and videos from a global community of the world's most talented creatives.

"We started Vecteezy to provide designers, creators and entrepreneurs beautiful content that is completely free," said Shawn Rubel, founder and CEO. "I'm thrilled about the work our dedicated team is putting in to democratize the way people get amazing images and videos. Now more than ever, we want to make professional-quality creative assets accessible to those who are working with tighter budgets or facing new challenges from the pandemic. Our growth will help alleviate the hurdles of modern-day creatives, marketers and businesses."

Users and contributors currently turn to Vecteezy in 180 countries and eight different languages. Traffic on Vecteezy’s platform continues to grow exponentially. In 2020 alone, the company:

  • Surpassed 100 million user sessions — a 47% year-over-year increase from 2019.
  • Saw a 40% year-over-year increase in downloads from 2019.
  • Saw a 79% year-over-year increase in paid subscribers from 2019.
  • Saw a 400% year-over-year increase in new contributors from 2019.

Vecteezy has been positioning itself to meet the growing demand by judiciously expanding its team and investing in its capabilities. The company rebranded in 2020 and introduced a new visual identity meant to convey the inspiration, guidance and creativity Vecteezy strives to provide creators and designers.

Vecteezy as a company also doubled in size in 2020, notably boosting its content and technical expertise. The company isn’t slowing down and plans continued investments in talent this year, with at least 40 additional hires within content, engineering, product, customer service and marketing. Vecteezy is headquartered in Bowling Green, Kentucky, but the workforce is remote and spans two continents and all four corners of the U.S.

“Between the traction we’re seeing around our curated content and the kinship we’ve fostered within our contributor community, this is an exciting time to be a part of Vecteezy,” Rubel said. “We’re building something special here for creators — an experience that is friendly, modern and effortless.”

For more information on Vecteezy, please visit

About Vecteezy

Vecteezy is one of the largest creative marketplaces in the world with millions of stock photos, vectors, and videos that are free and safe to use for personal or commercial use. Their website provides content from a global network of contributors, making professional-quality creative assets accessible to everyone. Vecteezy stands out from its competitors and provides additional value to the creative and design communities through its robust licensing and legal guarantees. For more information, visit