
SOLVIT is an on-line problem solving network in which EU Member States work together to solve without legal proceedings problems caused by the misapplication of Internal Market law by public authorities
09 January 2014

We will hear the word crisis less and less this year, said Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev at a press conference. According to preliminary data, in December 2013 the business had paid in the budget a record amount of VAT and taxes. With this the business had demonstrated honesty, while the government had shown a responsible attitude, said Stoynev. The VAT return in full before the deadline was unprecedented - until the end of December, companies had received BGN 541,822,839 back. According to the Minister from the end of May 2013 until December 2013 BGN 2.5 billion had been injected into Bulgarian business. The BGN 131 million as a result of the budget review was used to pay all outstanding contract obligations. For the first time in two years there was a real growth of GDP - the annual growth rate for the third quarter of 2013 was 1.5%, Stoynev said and predicted economic growth above 2%.

He pointed out that according to preliminary data of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) for June-October 2013 direct foreign investments in sectors such as manufacturing, transport, storage and communications, mining and quarrying, trade amounted to 496 million. For the past seven months projects worth BGN 95 million had been certified or were in process of certification under the Investment Promotion Act envisaging the creation of 510 new jobs. To achieve the objective of reindustrialization of the economy and work would begin on potential projects for investment in the automotive industry worth BGN 1.2 billion, creating over 8,500 jobs, Stoynev explained.

Minister Stoynev also said that the Ministry of Economy and Energy would focus on SMEs in 2014. The goal was to provide them with future opportunities through long term instruments of the National Investment fund and the new Innovation and Competitiveness program. The number of authorization schemes and administrative burdens for citizens and business had been reduced. The plan for the second package of measures, which targets 100 regimes, was being implemented. The Ministry was actively working on 13 of them. The amendments to the Public Procurement Act also improved the access of small business to public tenders.

Record BGN 20 million had been allocated for the National Innovation Fund (NIF) for 2014, the Minister said. For 2013 there had been no financing, Stoynev pointed out. In terms of the new Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 OP consensus on balancing measures had been achieved. BGN 1,165 million or a little less than 100% of its budget, had been negotiated under the program. Over 2,000 new jobs had been created as a result of successfully completed projects.

According to Stoynev, efforts to improve the competitiveness of enterprises would have a strong effect when promoting their export potential. For June-September 2013 trade turnover increased by 4.1% compared to the same period in 2012, reaching EUR 16.6 billion.

Negative trade balance was dropping progressively - by 12.8% for June-September 2013, the Minister said. To support this trend in 2014 the Ministry of Economy and Energy began a reform in Offices for trade and economic ties. Minister Stoynev also said that there was active dialogue with business organizations, with which the government would work on opening  new shared offices in the form of public-private partnerships.

The Minister highlighted the responsibilities of the state, especially in the sector of concessions. Since the beginning of the term of the current government  BGN 42.1 million in unpaid concession fees had been collected and BGN 783,629 had been absorbed with VAT from bank guarantees of compliant concessionaires. 353 working project had been coordinated in the second half of 2013. Of these, 326 had been coordinated from mid-November until the end of 2013. This meant that the concessioners would follow the rules from now on, Stoynev said.

The Minister said that the government and the Ministry of Economy had demonstrated how the state could reasonably intervene in the economy in order to rehabilitate of the industrial potential of the country, preserve jobs and create new ones, and set examples with the positive prospects before military factory VMZ Sopot, Himko-Vratsa and Remotex Radnevo. "We are negotiating the acquisition of Remotex but the price demanded by the owner is unreasonably high. We should not forget that the company has a debt of over BGN 25 million. We would like to help the workers, the state wants to acquire the company, this is what the workers would like, but if next week the owner does not offer a reasonable price, we will find ourselves in a situation where the acquisition does not happen", Minister Stoynev said.

According to Dragomir Stoynev the Bulgarian tourism was already showing indicators above the average for the world and Europe. It generated 13.6% of GDP, while the global figure was 9%. Revenues from international tourism in the current account balance for January-October 2013 were EUR 2,839.5 million - 4.9% more than in 2012, according to BNB data. The expected number of foreign tourists in 2013 was over 7 million - 5.6% more than in 2012.  International tourism revenue estimates for the twelve months of 2013 were EUR 3,048 million (4.5% compared to 2012).

A plan for sustainable development of tourism had been prepared with a horizon until 2030 in relation to the development of a long term strategy for the sector. Three major infrastructural projects worth BGN 650 million were currently being analyzed.  By attracting more such investments, Bulgaria would become a recognizable and desirable tourist attraction with high quality product, whilst ensuring maximum employment, especially in hilly and mountain regions.

"Stabilization and diversification - this will be the key priorities in the energy sector in 2014", said Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev when outlining the policy the Ministry will lead with regards to the energy sector for this year. The state company Bulgarian Energy Holding would continue to play its key role in efforts to balance the system of the energy sector and would not be closed. "The periodical forecasts for bankruptcy of the National Electric Company (NEC) will not turn out to be true and NEC will continue to rhythmically pay its debts to contractors at better pace", Minister Stoynev said.

During a press conference at the Ministry of Economy and Energy, Dragomir Stoynev noted that the price of electricity for households and businesses would remain stable at levels, reached before 1 January 2013 with the last price drop. Export of electricity ran hourly at 1300 MW, which compared to May 2013 had increased several times. Minister Stoynev pledged to continue the dialogue with the miners, who, he said, were already convinced that the Ministry was fulfilling its promise and that the strategic enterprise "Mini Maritsa Iztok" EAD would work well. "333 000 tons of coal were produced there in December 2013 - the highest yield for December in the history of the company in the last 20 years", Minister Stoynev said.

According to Mr. Stoynev, the strategic projects the Ministry of Economy and Energy was working would continue to develop in 2014 since they were extremely important for the diversification of energy sources. Such projects, according to the Minister, were South Stream gas pipeline, where under Bulgaria's initiative the European Commission had taken the role of a leading side in negotiations with Russia on the pipeline's status and its building. "We are members of the EU, we follow the European rules but national interest is what matters most to us", Minister Stoynev said and added that the tender for construction contractor for the Bulgarian section of "South Stream" had been announced on 21 December 2013 and bids could be submitted until 10 January, 2014.

"The project for the construction of Bulgaria - Greece gas interconnector is at an advanced stage, a stage of agreeing the approving of route and sites in both countries and designing the gas system. The other project -the gas connection Bulgaria - Serbia is advancing in its implementation and in the end of November 2013 the Ministry of Economy and Energy announced an open tender for the design, supervision and consultancy services on the construction of the connection. The link Bulgaria - Romania is practically built, the last tests are being currently carried out and putting the pipeline into operation is due", Minister Dragomir Stoynev said.

In terms of nuclear energy, Mr. Stoynev said that EUR 239 million had been agreed to continue the decommissioning of Units 1-4 of Kozloduy NPP in the next EU financial. The initial proposals by the European Commission had been for EUR 185 million. EIA report for the construction of Unit 7 at the Kozloduy NPP was ready - another project of strategic long term importance for Bulgaria's energy and economy. The feasibility study for the construction of new nuclear unit was also completed. Work on the selection of a preferred site was in the final stages. The Minister also said that the Council of Ministers had decided to begin negotiations with Westinghouse Electric for structuring and financing of a project to build Unit 7 of Kozloduy NPP, using AP-1000 technology.


Dragomir Stoynev: Bulgaria is on the path to economic growth
17 December 2013

"The annual industrial production increased by 4.1%. We have not seen such growth in years", the Minister of Economy and Energy pointed out

The National Action Plan for Employment outlines active policies that tackle unemployment among young people and those over the age of 50
17 December 2013

Dialogue is the only form of communication and the only way that leads to mutually acceptable solutions, said Deputy Prime Minister Zinaida Zlatanova following the meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation

Tsvetlin Yovchev: The Ministry of Interior managed very well during an extremely difficult period
16 December 2013

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior reported on the results of the work of the Ministry over the past six months

Kristian Vigenin: We do not have a reason to think that Turkey has territorial or any other type of claims to Bulgaria
14 December 2013

The Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed out that Bulgaria supported Ukraine's EU association but South Stream gas pipeline was important for us so that we did not depend on relations between third parties for the transit of gas

Minister Terzieva: Bulgaria will take part in a new program for transnational cooperation
13 December 2013

Minister of Regional Development Desislava Terzieva opened the National Round Table "Current problems and improvement in regional development legislation."

Danail Papazov: Modern infrastructure between Bulgaria and Serbia could boost tourism
11 December 2013

We will work to complete the 31 km highway section connecting the border and Sofia so that we could have a first class road between the two capitals, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Information

Tsvetlin Yovchev: The plan to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants is beginning to work
10 December 2013

We have made our aware that Bulgaria needs to receive assistance immediately. Many lies were told about the Ministry of Interior Bill. Sofia Directorate of Interior was a subcontractor for a security company, which is not right, the Minister of Interior said.

Kristian Vigenin: For us is important that Ukraine is in the European orbit
07 December 2013

It is logical that EC begins direct dialogue with the Russian side to clarify South Stream issues. Bulgarian immigration could not be of any concern for Great Britain, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said.

Daniela Bobeva: The government is making all efforts to ensure a successful winter tourist season
07 December 2013

The Deputy Prime Minister opened the winter tourist season in Pamporovo and wished a lot of snow and accident-free skiing down the slopes

Iskra Mihailova: Environment OP payments have been frozen because of projects carried out between 2010 and 2013
05 December 2013

It is possible to lose money due to financial corrections. It is important to identify those responsible for the errors in order to correct errors as soon as possible and protect national interests, said Minister of Environment and Water

Anelia Klisarova: We will focus on ensuring equal access to education for students
05 December 2013

The Minister of Education and Science announced that a strategy for development of teaching staff is underway

Zinaida Zlatanova: The European Commission is successful introducing the four new Cohesion Policy elements
26 November 2013

The Deputy Prime Minister took part in an informal meeting of ministers responsible for EU Cohesion Policy in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The increased migration pressure is one of the most serious national security challenges Bulgaria has faced in recent years
20 November 2013

Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetlin Yovchev presented a report on the state of national security to participants in the meeting of the Consultative Council on National Security of Bulgaria

Irina Bokova: The grade my home country gives me matters greatly to me
20 November 2013

Deputy Minister of Culture Velislava Krasteva: We will work on cultural heritage preservation projects

Daniela Bobeva: The government supports youth entrepreneurship initiatives
20 November 2013

The Deputy Prime Minister encouraged young people to learn from successful business models and urged the business to participate more actively in the development of education programs

The Czech government will give EUR 1 million in aid to Bulgaria to address the refugee situation
19 November 2013

H.E. Pavel Vacek, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Bulgaria briefed Bulgarian Bulgarian Minister of Interior Tsvetlin Yovchev on the decision

Daniela Bobeva: International Financial Institutions could be useful in overcoming the crisis
18 November 2013

Representatives of business and financial institutions discussed how to improve access to resources at a conference, initiated by the Deputy Prime Minister

Tsvetlin Yovchev: The Ministry of Interior guaranteed that tension did not escalate
17 November 2013

Israel will not only assist us in the fight against terrorism, but also help us develop a crisis response system, the Minister of Interior said

Tsvetlin Yovchev: The Ministry of Interior ensured that tension did not escalate
17 November 2013

Israel will not only assist us in the fight against terrorism, but also help us develop a crisis response system, the Minister of Interior said.

Peter Chobanov: Budget 2014 puts forth policies that support economic growth
13 November 2013
Statement of Minister of Finance Peter Tchobanov during the discussion at first reading of the 2014 State Budget bill in the National Assembly

Tsvetlin Yovchev: I hope that the National Security Advisory Council will reach a common position
07 November 2013

Bulgaria is lucky to have Mr. Plamen Oresharski as a Prime Minister at times of deep crisis, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior said

10 October 2013
09 October 2013
08 October 2013
08 October 2013
07 December 2013
07 October 2013
05 October 2013
05 October 2013
02 October 2013
01 October 2013

Bulgaria is situated in the
South-East part of Europe
Area: 110,993.6 km2.
Population: 7.97 million
Capital City: Sofia
Official language: Bulgarian
Currency: Lev (BGN)
Exchange Rate
1 BGN = 0.51129 EUR
BGN is pegged to the Euro
Tel. Code:  +359 (2 for Sofia)
Time: GMT+2
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