JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Two digital marketing blogs, the MarketingExperiments Blog and the Moz Blog, have teamed up to help a nonprofit improve the effectiveness of its email marketing campaigns.

The two blogs will be working with VolunteerMatch, a nonprofit organization that uses the power of technology to make it easier for good people and good causes to connect. They have launched a contest that invites marketers and writers to visit blog posts on MarketingExperiments or Moz and submit an email subject line that they think will be most effective for an email from VolunteerMatch. The deadline for entries is January 13, 2015.

"For companies that are already effective at marketing, they face a significant challenge - how do you take something that works and make it even better?" said Daniel Burstein, director of editorial content, MECLABS, parent company of MarketingExperiments and MarketingSherpa. "The answer is: you listen to what the customer really wants."

The teams from MarketingExperiments and Moz will choose six to eight subject lines they think will be most effective and then test them with the VolunteerMatch audience. The writer of the subject line that actually performs the best will win a ticket to MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015 and a stay at ARIA Casino and Resort in Las Vegas. Official rules are available at http://meclabs.com/training/marketing-summit/email-summit-2015/rules.

"We'll pick the finalists but the winner is up to the customer, which is how all marketing decisions should be made," Burstein said. "By testing the subject lines, we're essentially giving the customer a seat at the table so they can show - by their actions - what elements of VolunteerMatch Solutions are the most valuable."

About MarketingExperiments (follow us @mktgexperiments or visit http://www.marketingexperiments.com)
MarketingExperiments was the first Internet-based research lab to conduct experiments in optimizing marketing and sales processes. Their research team has developed the world's largest collection of optimization-related experiments and case studies, which is disseminated (free) via the MarketingExperiments Journal and www.marketingexperiments.com. The MarketingExperiments Blog complements this research with additional news, insights, analysis and interviews. It also provides another venue to exchange ideas with marketing, optimization and sales professionals.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/contest-to-determine-the-most-effective-email-subject-line-for-a-nonprofit-300015822.html

SOURCE MarketingExperiments