The Cloud Standards Customer Council (CSCC) will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, January 16th at 11am EST to introduce the group's latest whitepaper, "Migrating Applications to Public Cloud Services: a Roadmap for Success". The discussion will be led by a group comprised of the whitepaper's authors and will include time for a question-and-answer session at the end.

Across all industries, more and more organizations are migrating their applications to the cloud due to its cost-effectiveness, rapid speed of deployment and scalability. Cloud computing is also increasingly being viewed as a key enabler of business transformation that can help improve customer engagement, forge new partnerships and drive competitive advantage.

Not only does the paper include motivations and considerations to take into account before moving to the cloud, but it also includes a series of six steps end-users should take to ensure a successful migration including:

1. Assess your Applications and Workloads
2. Build the Business Case
3. Develop the Technical Approach
4. Adopt a Flexible Integration Model
5. Address Security and Privacy Requirements
6. Manage the Migration

These steps will be explained and expanded upon during the webinar by the whitepaper's authors.

To register for the webinar, visit To become a member of CSCC and receive a copy of the whitepaper, visit

The Cloud Standards Customer Council (CSCC) is an OMG® end-user advocacy group dedicated to accelerating cloud's successful adoption and drilling down into the standards, security and interoperability issues surrounding the transition to the cloud. While not a standards organization, CSCC complements existing cloud standards efforts by establishing a core set of client-driven requirements that ensure cloud users will have the same freedom of choice, flexibility and openness they have with traditional IT environments. CSCC is open to all end-user organizations. For more information, visit

Julie Pike, 781-444-0404