The City of Helsinki central administration was reformed at the beginning of January when the former Administrative Centre, Personnel Centre and Economic and Planning Centre were combined as City Executive Office. One of the six divisions of the office is Economic Development, which is comprised of four units: City Competitiveness, City Marketing, Employment Services and Enterprise Services. The division is also responsible for international and immigration-related affairs.

Economic Development seeks to improve the coordination of economic development, enterprise services, employment services and immigration as a whole, as well as strengthening Helsinki city marketing. The Enterprise Services unit's EnterpriseHelsinki continues to provide versatile guidance and services for start-ups and active businesses.

Economic Development is also responsible for strategic planning of work-based immigration and monitors the execution of the City's immigration policies. The division also organizes and coordinates the City's international operations, and it is responsible for Helsinki's international city policies. The division has a staff of about 100, and its director is Marja-Leena Rinkineva.

"We will develop Helsinki into an increasingly dynamic, business-friendly and appealing city that is good to live in, to do business in and to visit," Rinkineva states. "Enterprises should have a competitive operating environment to ensure future growth. We also work to create genuinely new outlooks and operating methods both inside the City organization and in our relationship with the business sector. We will continue our close cooperation with the region's universities."

Support from a marketing company

Economic Development's City Marketing unit works in close cooperation with Helsinki Travel Marketing Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of the City of Helsinki. The company's responsibilities have been extended to include city marketing. The company executes Helsinki travel marketing, produces travel publications and information services, promotes conventions and other big events in the city, and produces the City's own public events. The company's network comprises a large number of travel entrepreneurs and enterprises in the Helsinki region. CEO of Helsinki Travel Marketing is Tuulikki Becker.

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