Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Chris Bryant MP, will formally open the Acquired Brain Injury conference, hosted by Chroma, the UK’s only national provider of arts therapies services.

The conference is taking place on 15 March 2018 at the British Medical Association House in London. The all-day event titled ‘Arts Therapies and Brain Injury: Optimising Outcomes Across Assessment, Treatment and Care’ is set to host seminars and workshops based on Arts Therapies and its use within brain injury rehab.

Chris Bryant MP has been a member of parliament for the last 17 years as the MP for Rhondda, as well as being Shadow leader of the House of Commons until resigning in June 2016. However, most recently Chris became the chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Acquired Brain Injury.

A packed program to ensure attendees, including social care staff, NHS workers, students, charities and anyone involved in rehabilitation get the most out of the day will include a client’s story of their rehab experience with arts therapies.

The Conference brings together some of the leading authorities and influencers in this field, to deliver the latest research and scientific evidence on how arts therapies are improving outcomes for patients recovering from acquired brain injuries.

Dr Jeanette Tamplin of the University of Melbourne will provide an introduction to the evolving field of the creative arts therapies within brain injury rehabilitation, covering current research and practice.

Sarah O’Doherty and Rebecca O’Conner of the National Rehabilitation Hospital will present their Music Therapy Neuropsychology Assessment Model.

Dr Wendy Magee from the US will showcase the MATADOC assessment for patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness (PDOC) that she and her colleagues pioneered.

The day will also provide practical hands-on workshops, which allows delegates to experience, engage with and understand an art therapy process from a client’s/patient’s point of view.

Daniel Thomas, managing director of Chroma said: “We are thrilled that Chris Bryant MP will be attending the conference to welcome delegates and open the conference. We are extremely lucky to have so many respected experts, from across the globe, delivering the latest knowledge and evidence surrounding arts therapy and its use in rehabilitation.”

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