With the deep integration of “Internet+” into various industries, the new generation of communication technology represented by 5G has become a prime target for the automotive industry. Chinese automobile enterprises are also actively deploying 5G technology in the field of intelligent connected vehicles.

SAIC-GM-Wuling (SGMW) is China’s first automobile enterprise with cumulative sales exceeding 20 million units. Its new brand, the New Baojun just released on December 29 a mass-produced car, the world’s first intelligent connected car ever equipped with the HUAWEI HiCar system, taking the lead in applying 5G through cellphone-and-car interconnection technology.

The HUAWEI HiCar system supports voice control, home control, fatigue detection, video call, and many other smart functions.

Numerous black technologies in New Baojun break the traditional travel modes, seamlessly connecting the user’s travel space with his life and working spaces. In the car, the user will get an alert once the camera detects fatigue driving; the user can make a video call via the on-board computer; the user can also set the start time of home appliances with the on-board computer when he is still on the road, or even contact and communicate with others anytime and anywhere.

New Baojun has taken the first step in cross-border integration. In the future, it will work with its partners to create a “smart mobile space”.

The average selling price of New Baojun products in China is only around USD 14,000.

Perhaps one day, New Baojun will become a symbol for China’s intelligent mobility solutions, and lead the automotive industry onto the fast track of the 5G era. Chinese automobile enterprises represented by New Baojun will definitely bring brand new travel life to users in the future.