SHANGHAI, Jan 10 (Reuters) - Liquidity in China's interbank money market tightened on Tuesday, with some money rates bouncing from record lows, after investors took advantage of recent ultra loose conditions to make new investments.

The volume of overnight repos traded in the interbank market jumped to 7.45 trillion yuan ($1.10 trillion) on Monday, data from the National Interbank Funding Center showed, the highest on record.

High turnover is considered a gauge of leverage in the bond market, as investors usually take advantage of ultra-low short-term financing costs to fund investments in government bonds for profits.

"The daily volume has exceeded 7 trillion yuan since last Thursday," said a trader at a wealth management company, who noted the central bank typically grew uncomfortable when volumes hit that level.

Short-term money rates rose across the board on Tuesday as a result of tightened liquidity. The volume-weighted average rate of the overnight repo rose about 46 basis points to 1.1203% on Tuesday afternoon. Fourteen-day and 21-day rates also rose more than 20 basis points.

The overnight repo rate has held below 1% since late December after the People's Bank of China (PBOC) stepped up liquidity support to help financial institutions smoothly handle the surge in cash demand that usually takes place over the year-end.

Some bond traders noted that the central bank sharply reduced recent cash offerings through open market operations into the new year, another sign authorities are wary of leverage buildup.

The PBOC has been offering a minimum 2 billion yuan since last Thursday and has drained more than 1.7 trillion yuan on a net basis through reverse repos so far this year.

But analysts believe the Chinese central bank is unlikely to shift its monetary stance any time soon and expect it to keep liquidity sufficient to aid the economic recovery after Beijing dismantled most of its COVID-19 curbs.

"We believe that PBOC will not be in a rush to recalibrate its stance, which was described as 'prudently accommodative, targeted and effective'," Carlos Casanova, senior economist for Asia at Union Bancaire Privee (UBP), said in a note.

($1 = 6.7688 Chinese yuan) (Reporting by Steven Bian, Winni Zhou and Brenda Goh; Editing by Sam Holmes)