Xian, which on December 23 imposed strict curbs on travel within the city and leaving town, reported 95 domestically transmitted cases with confirmed clinical symptoms for Monday (January 3), up slightly from 90 a day earlier, official data showed on Tuesday (January 4).

Many people have been banned from leaving their residential compounds unless for urgent matters approved by their community-based authority. All residents need to have proof of a negative test result checked by community staffers before they can seek medical services at hospitals.

The restrictions have also curtailed access to daily necessities, with many people unable to go out to shop, leaving them dependent on deliveries.

These are part of efforts by Xian to achieve "zero cases in communities", a situation where all new infections are found among people already in quarantine, which will create good conditions for the city's next downgrade in virus curbs, state television quoted Chen Zhijun, an official at Xian's disease control authority.