A collective talk was held by MCC Headquarter for the internal newly-recruited cadres on January 7, 2014. Shan Zhongli, Vice Party Secretary & Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary of MCC Group & MCC, was present at the meeting. Shan announced the recruitment decision of MCC for these people, then President Guo Wenqing delivered an important speech.
At first Guo extended congratulations to the 13 young cadres who stood out from the crowd after several rounds of selection. Then he put forwards of expectations in the following aspects: (i) As the development and reform of MCC Group needs new force, new thoughts and fresh working styles, the new cadres are expected to undertake their duties with brand new concept after they takes their posts; (ii) The new cadres shall carry forward the spirits of diligence and engagement, always put the corporate interests in the first place, perform well in line with their duties, pursue outstanding operational performance and the noble lives; and (iii) The new cadres shall intensify efforts in learning, set strict demands on themselves, and act as examples in terms of integrity. At the conclusion, Guo encourage the new cadres to take this chance as a new starting point, and make greater contribution to the promising future of MCC Group and MCC.
MCC Headquarter commenced the internal public recruitment work for talents in October 2013, with the aims to further strengthen the functional establishment and promote the reform of staffing system and talent exchange. After quite a few processes such as written examination, interview, assessment and public summons, the company eventually worked out the list of newly-recruited cadres. Up to now, all the internal public recruitment work has been smoothly accomplished.

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