Embargo : Not for publication or broadcast before 18 30 hours on Wednesday 08 January 2014

The international reserves of Bank Negara Malaysia amounted to RM441.7 billion (equivalent to USD134.9 billion) as at 31 December 2013. The reserves level as at 31 December 2013 has taken into account the quarterly adjustment for foreign exchange revaluation changes. The reserves position is sufficient to finance 9.6 months of retained imports and is 3.7 times the short-term external debt.

For the year 2013 as a whole, the international reserves increased by RM14.5 billion to RM441.7 billion (end-2012: RM427.2 billion).  The higher reserves reflected the continued current account surplus and inflows of foreign direct investment, non-resident portfolio funds as well as banking funds. A cumulative unrealised foreign exchange revaluation gain also added to the value of the international reserves. The offsetting outflows were in the form of direct investment abroad by Malaysian companies and acquisition of foreign portfolio assets by resident institutional investors.

Malaysia's international reserves are usable and unencumbered. The reserves are expected to continue to remain at a comfortable level in 2014, supported by trade and investment inflows.

See also: http://www.bnm.gov.my/index.php?ch=statistic&pg=statistic_bnmstatement&sdate=2013-12-31
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