Carson Leslie Awards for Pediatric Brain Cancers, a partnership between The Carson Leslie Foundation (CLF) and The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) are pleased to fund over $3,200,000.00 research for less toxic childhood brain cancer treatments.

Recipients include:

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Genotype and Metabolic Phenotype in Pediatric Brain cancer

Baylor College of Medicine
Proto Beam Radiation Therapy vs. Conventional Beam Radiation Therapy Toxicities During and after Craniospinal Radiation Therapy in Children

Texas Tech University Health Science Center
Rational Redox-Driven Non-Toxic Therapeutic Strategies for Pediatric Brain Cancers

The Carson Leslie Foundation, a Dallas based 501c3 foundation busted onto the scene in 2010 with a firm mission: to fund innovative childhood cancer research and encourage teens in the battle. Texas voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment in 2007 establishing CPRIT, authorizing the state to issue $3 billion in bonds to fund groundbreaking cancer research and prevention programs and services in Texas.

Annette Leslie, the Executive Director of The Carson Leslie Foundation has served on CPRIT's Advisory Council on Childhood Cancer since 2010 and is particularly pleased that Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst and Speaker Straus lifted the moratorium on CPRIT's grant award processes and that CPRIT's agency has strengthened over the last few months and restored its commitment to the fight against cancer.

Annette explains, it quickly became apparent that CPRIT's interests and CLF's passion line up in regards to the necessity of childhood cancer research. Both CPRIT and CLF consider the partnership a unique opportunity to stimulate great scientific thinking within childhood brain tumor research. Plus, The Carson Leslie Foundation's funds are tremendously leveraged which allows every dollar our foundation raises to make a much greater impact.

Annette's passion for childhood cancer research comes from her son Carson's dying wish when he whispered words she'll never forget, "Momma, make sure they study those tumors, if those tumors can help some kid not die from cancer like I am, I'd like that; it's hard to have cancer."

Annette expounds, there's a lot of personal healing in honoring Carson's dying wish. Less toxic treatment for children who are undergoing harsh chemotherapy and radiation on their young and growing bodies is critical. Childhood cancer survivors face serious medical complications, secondary cancers, cognitive impairments and shortened lifespans. The lucky ones who survive might have 70 or so years of life after treatment. So the less toxic the treatment the better chance they have to live healthy lives. Most treatments for childhood cancers are over 20 years old. And the fact that cancer is the number one disease killer of American children, new innovative childhood cancer treatments are absolutely imperative.

A cure is the goal, until then CPRIT and CLF are pleased to announce our partnership!

The Carson Leslie Foundation
Annette Leslie, 214-417-2155