, one of the world's largest online poker communities with over 100,000 members, recently launched their poker news service that bring readers daily stories from the industry.

"As a community website we keep our finger firmly on the pulse of what is happening in the online poker world and that is how we are able to provide our readers with scoops and insider stories," CEO Nicholas Kisberg said. "Developing a news service to cater for our community is a logical step for us and is in line with our philosophy of providing additional services to support our members."

While News focuses on the poker industry, it also adds in stories that are related to the wider e-gaming industry. This allows readers to stay updated on what is happening in terms of gaming technology, worldwide legislation changes, and even problem gambling issues.

"The industry has grown to a point where it's no longer just about where the next poker tournament is being held, or the latest gossip about a poker pro's bad beat," Mr Kisberg explains. "Players around the world want to know if an operator is posting Q1 losses, or if a new election in a country could bring changes in the legality of the games they enjoy. Our news team stays on top of those issues, while also providing reports on the nuts and bolts of the poker world."

Internet news consumption is certainly on the increase with over 40% of Americans now turning to the Internet to get their daily news1 - a figure that surpasses newspaper readership. Internet news is most popular amongst the 18-30 demographic, overlapping perfectly with the majority of the poker playing community.

In addition, mobile devices and tablets are becoming the manner in which many access their news, and News caters to this trend.

"Poker players can see what is happening in the industry in between hands, even if they are playing on the train while travelling to work," Mr Kisberg says. "Perhaps more importantly, we are now able to harness the power of our community to keep poker players updated on the changes within the industry. By getting instant feedback on our stories through our forum and social media pages, we can give players a platform to make their voice heard on issues that concern them. That's definitely the direction we want to take"

Nicholas Kisberg, 702-425-8583