A fight is brewing in the United States. Observers believe that a remake of the American presidential election of 2020 between two of the most influential seniors in the world is inevitable. For now, everyone is waiting for Donald Trump, who is expected to run for re-election. The next four years at the head of the world's leading power are likely to result in a duel between an 81-year-old man (in 2024) and his 77-year-old opponent. 

If the two men have reached this point, it is undoubtedly because they believe they still have all their faculties to govern the country. We can't deny that the current president still has dynamism, presence and charisma. One thing is clear, however. American politics is having a hard time getting a new look. At an age when retirement is often expected, these two are about to play elbows to the ground for four more years in Washington.

At the dawn of a world dominated by global warming, artificial intelligence and new security and geopolitical issues, are these two men capable of taking on such responsibilities? 

By Amandine Victor