OTTAWA, April 4 (Reuters) - Canada recorded a bigger than expected trade surplus of C$1.39 billion ($1.03 billion) in February as a record level of unwrought gold helped export growth outpace the monthly rise in imports, Statistics Canada said on Thursday.

Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast a C$800 million surplus in the month. January's trade balance was upwardly revised to C$608 million from a surplus of C$496 million initially reported.

Total exports rose 5.8%, the fastest growth rate since August, while imports increased 4.6% to their highest level since June.

The merchandise trade report showed further signs of economic resurgence after it stumbled in the second half of 2023. Economic growth rebounded more robustly than expected in January, and gross domestic product likely expanded 0.4% in February, data released last week showed.

The strong growth, which put the economy on track to exceed the Bank of Canada's forecast for the first quarter, has likely eased the urgency for a rate cut, economists said.

The rise in exports in February was led by the metal and non-metallic mineral products group which includes unwrought precious metals like gold. Increased high-value shipments of refined gold, as well as transfers of gold assets in the banking sector, were observed in February, Statscan said.

Imports growth was led by the electronic and electrical equipment and parts product group which increased to a record level in February. There was an increase in imports of high-value data processing units, generally used for the development of complex cloud systems, from the United States.

Imports of consumer goods were also up, with the clothing, footwear and accessories category posting the largest increase.

Overall, 9 of the 11 export product sections rose in the month, while all import product sections, except metal and non-metallic mineral products, were up.

($1 = 1.3500 Canadian dollars) (Reporting by Ismail Shakil in Ottawa; Editing by Dale Smith)