OTTAWA, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Canada's Liberal government no longer needs to spend all of the stimulus it promised to help fight COVID-19 and if it does, the debt-to-GDP ratio will rise, an official spending watchdog said on Wednesday.

In December 2020, Ottawa said it would invest an extra C$70 billion ($56 billion) to C$100 billion over three years to help the economy recover from the epidemic. The rate of expenditure would depend on how well the economy was doing, it added.

Parliamentary budget officer Yves Giroux said that given the economy had already returned to its pre-pandemic levels, "the policy rationale for the additional spending initially presented as stimulus spending no longer exists."

Giroux said he estimated that when Liberal commitments during the 2021 election campaign were added to the 2020 promise, some C$48.5 billion in stimulus remained.

If this were spent, the debt-to-GDP ratio in the 2025-26 fiscal year would increase to 46.9% from the 45.3% Ottawa is currently forecasting.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau side-stepped questions about the report, saying the debt-to-GDP ratio needed to keep falling.

"That's something that we've always put forward as a sense of fiscal responsibility, that the size of our debt and relation to the size of our economy needs to continue to decline, and it is doing exactly that," he told reporters.

"We're going to continue to make sure that we are keeping Canada's balance books healthy, while at the same time being there to support Canadians."

($1 = 1.2485 Canadian dollars) (Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Sandra Maler)