Despite unfavourable global economic conditions, Ukraine can achieve a GDP growth rate of 3-4% in 2013. The Prime Minister of Ukraine MykolaAzarovsaid this at a session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on January 23, 2013.

"I think that despite all the unfavourable global economic conditions, Ukraine can achieve in 2013 a GDP growth rate of 3-4% for inflation around 3%. And in 2014, to reach higher, more quality growth rates", MykolaAzarovsaid.

To confirm the reality of such plans the Prime Minister called a few examples. Specifically, the first step on easing the fiscal burden on the Ukrainian IT industry is made. And today it shows the growth rate of 30% per year. Capacity of world and our own internal software market is just huge.

"When we will do the next step - we get here faster growth. And we will have growth in the number of jobs for programmers not less than 10 thousand a year" - PM added.

The PM also informed that tomorrow on the Kerch ZalivShipyard PLC two modern vessels built for foreign customers are floated out.

There is demand for the work of our shipbuilders in the world and it is growing, MykolaAzarovsaid.-We responded by creating a strong incentive for the industry which begin to work this year. Such "development crystals" we will find in other areas".

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