Pursuant to the Concept, the international activity of the Ministry shall be directed to introducing in work of the department generally approved norms and standards in tax and customs areas, which in turn shall ensure economic, financial and investment competitiveness of the country, create favorable conditions for making business and foreign economic activity.

Moreover, it is envisaged comprehensive activation of cooperation in the framework of activity of relevant international organizations and associations that determine standards and recommendations, and harmonize forms and methods of work in tax and customs spheres. More active shall become interaction with the diplomatic institutions and offices of international organizations in Ukraine, first of all in information exchange, rendering technical and consultative assistance.

Apart from that, the document defines a series of concrete measures directed to further development of cooperation with the following international organizations: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA), WorldCustoms Organization.

According to the analysts of the Ministry, realization of the Concept shall significantly deepen international cooperation of the Ministry of Incomes and Fees,ensure introduction of international norms into practical activity of departments of incomes and fees of Ukraine, strengthen international image of the Ministry and the country in whole.

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