Statementsthatsupposedlythe budgetfor this yearhas noadequatefunding for socialobligations,state wagesare unfounded.

First of all,it should be notedthatdespite the adverseexternal conditions -deteriorating economic situationin the worldand a slowdown inthe domestic economy, the Government'smainpriority in the fiscalpolicy will alwaysremains increasingsocial securityand improvingsocial protection. So,this year'sbudget providesincrease in social standardsand most importantly -resourcesfor their properfundinghave been embedded.It should be also important tomention thatthe Governmentlast yearin fullfinancedsocial initiativesof the Presidentof Ukraine.So there is no good reason to saythat theGovernmentcares aboutsocial policyarbitrarily.

On the Law of Ukraine"On the StateBudget of Ukrainefor 2013" minimum wageset in the amount: from 1 January-1147UAH,from December 1- 1218UAH.

Also in2013,an increaseof salaryforemployees of the first tarifflevelof the Unified tariffnetwork has been provided by 6.5%to reduce thecashgapbetween thisrateandthe minimum wage.

Thus,with the increaseof these parametersin the state budgetin 2013labor costsof public sector employeesandmilitary personnelallowanceincreasedby UAH 9.8billion.

By the end of2013,comparedto the same periodof 2012 year, the minimum wage andliving wagewill riseby 7.4%, while the Consumer Price Index4.8%.

In the budget2013social expendituresprovidedat a level UAH61.5billion

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