The Prime Minister MykolaAzarovhas ordered in the first decade of Februaryto submitto the Government arevised draftof the State Programonenhancingeconomic development for2013-2014.Respective commissionwas given to heads ofministries and departments by thePrime Minister onthe results ofthe meetingon therevision ofthe draftState Program, which washeldatthe Government Housetodayunder his chairmanship.

He notedthat the draftState Program, which was developed by a working groupheaded by Firstvice PrimeMinisterSerhiyArbuzov, requires revision."The State program wasreviewed inall ministriesand departments.There are a lot of commentstothis program, and it cannot be otherwise, becausethis is the firstlarge-scaledocument for many years",MykolaAzarovsaid.

"This document, I think will bediscussed,especiallyin terms ofbalancingitsfinancial resources.The Governmentplans torevisethis document andapprove itwithinthe first decade ofFebruary.Weshould buildour work in such manner so thatall comments andsuggestions werestudied andconsideredas much as possible", MykolaAzarovsaid.

He recalled thatrecentlya meeting ofthe Committeeon Economic Reforms was hold, where the president madeclearobjectives:to accelerateeconomic reforms,economic developmentin order to implementsocial initiatives.

"Everyone knowsthe risks associatedwith the development ofthe global anddomestic economy.Therefore, ourState program shouldconsiderthese risks",MykolaAzarovnoted.He addedthat the programtoenhancethe economyis designed recoverpositive impact on economicgrowth,but itshould be doneonly onthe basis of theeconomy thatwe have.

"We canonlyrely on our own resources.We must nowgivethoseincentives thatwill allowus to reach areasonablerate of economicgrowth- this isour main task, - MykolaAzarovsaid.- This willsolve a number ofsocial problems".

According to him,among the maindirections of developmentof the economyparticular importanceis the development ofthose industries thatcan provideimport, including energy development.

MykolaAzarovsaidthat theprogram containsa number of prioritiesand the Governmentintends to work to realize them: the development of the competitivenessof the domestic economy, focus on the development ofhigh-tech industrieswith highadded value.The PrimeMinister drewattention to the factthat the programshould have no placeforunnecessaryprotectionism.

The Prime Ministerhighlighted the maininstruments forimplementing the State programonenhancingeconomic development for2013-2014: direct budget support, tax and customsincentives,government guaranteesto obtainfurther loans, the mechanism of publicorderor public-private partnerships.

"Sowe possessquitea wide range oftools thatwill allowus to realizeour goalsand objectives", MykolaAzarovsummed.

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