Second paragraph, first sentence of release should read: MSC standards are considered the most stringent of the current managed sustainability programs.

The corrected release reads:


‘PNA’ waters supply fifty percent of World’s skipjack tuna

South Pacific Tuna Corporation announced today that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with PNAO/Pacifical, the marketing arm of the eight Pacific Island Nations known as the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), to supply tuna that meets Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standards.

MSC standards are considered the most stringent of the current managed sustainability programs. This action underscores South Pacific Tuna Corporation’s commitment to maintaining the highest sustainability standards while harvesting tuna from PNA island waters. The company oversees management and operations of 14 U.S. Flag tuna vessels owned by “The Global Fleets,” Ocean Global Fisheries LLC, Sea Global Fisheries LLC and Pacific Global LLC.

“The Global Fleets have long-embraced sustainable fishing practices in action, rather than just theory,” said South Pacific Tuna Corporation Executive Director and Global Fleets partner J. Douglas Hines.

“This MOU makes us the first among the U.S. Distant Water Tuna Fleet to make a public commitment to sustainable fishing practices as certified by the Marine Stewardship Council—including effective management and minimal environmental impact. It is not only a commitment to the PNA Countries, but to their customers and consumers throughout the world. This is truly a first step in creating an Ocean to Table project.”

Hines stressed that the MOU is not a product of non-governmental (NGO) agency action, but a sincere commitment to provide the highest conservation standards in tuna supplied through the PNA Nations supply chain.

“The U.S. Fleet is considered a Global leader in promoting environmental standards with strict adherence to regulations,” Hines said. “Hopefully, more members of the Distant Water Tuna Fleet will adopt similar sustainability practices and together work toward a sustainable fish stock and diverse ecosystem.” Hines, along with other Industry colleagues, has been a strong proponent of working with governments of regional and industrial Distant Water Fishing Nations to effect change through science-based best practices and equal compliance.

Maurice Brownjohn, Commercial Manager of PNA fisheries, said, “As world leaders in tuna conservation and management, this is a great development. We look forward to working closely with The Global Fleets in promoting tuna that is sustainably harvested in our waters to ensure that we will have a continued supply for future generations.”

The project to bring The Global Fleets under Pacifical has been a year in the making. The Fleets will work with the offices of PNA and Pacifical to develop the criteria for certification and to collaborate with their Global partners to ensure traceability and reporting.

South Pacific Tuna Corporation also supports social and economic development of the PNA Nations by highlighting the origin of the PNA MSC-certified tuna. All eligible raw material caught by South Pacific Tuna vessels will display the Pacifical logo when it reaches the consumer, with a link to the region. The use of this logo represents the company’s commitment towards the PNA people and appreciation of the opportunity to manage and preserve their ocean ecosystem for years to come.

About South Pacific Tuna Corporation

South Pacific Tuna Corporation is a United States-based tuna vessel management company headquartered in San Diego, California. Its 14 U.S. Flag tuna vessels fish in the Western Pacific under the rules and regulations outlined by the South Pacific Tuna Treaty. Learn more about the company’s commitment to safety and environmental sustainability at

About Pacifical

Pacifical c.v. is a global marketing company of the Parties of the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Countries. It was established in 2011 to promote and actively trade PNA’s Marine Stewardship Council-certified, sustainably harvested skipjack tuna to consumers around the world. The eight PNA Countries include: Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu. Together, they control the world’s largest sustainable tuna purse seine fishery, supplying 50 percent of the world’s skipjack tuna. More at