CAF participates in the I Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum

The Institutin ratified its catalytic role to build bridges with China and to attract foreign investment in strategic areas for the productive trasnformation of the region 

07 de January de 2015

CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, participated in the first ministerial meeting of the China-Community of Latin American and Carbbean States (CELAC, for its acronym in Spanish) Forum, held in Beijing on January 8th and 9th, which included representatives of the Government of China and of the 33 member countries of the CELAC.  

CAF ratified its catalytic role to build bridges with China and to attract foreign investment to strategic areas for the productive transformation of the region; its commitment to continue financing and co-financing projects of common interest; and its decision and interest to establish joint funds with the Chinese Government. 

The meeting concluded with the approval of a five-year cooperation plan, the regulations for the bilateral mechanism, and the agreement for a next meeting in Chile in 2018.  

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