Regulatory News:

AREVA (Paris:AREVA) has signed with the Brazilian utility Eletrobrás Eletronuclear (ETN) a contract for approximately 75 million euros to supply additional mechanical and electrical equipment to the Angra 3 nuclear power plant. The scope includes, in particular, diesel engines, electrical appliances and controls, as well as equipment for used fuel storage.

This follows the signature in November 2013 of the global contract worth 1.25 billion euros for the completion of the Angra 3 reactor, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. AREVA is supplying engineering services as well as the components and the digital instrumentation & control system for the reactor. The group also provides assistance in the supervision of the installation works and the commissioning activities.

“This new contract demonstrates ETN’s confidence in AREVA and reflects the excellent relations that have been developed between our two companies for more than 40 years as part of the Angra 2* and Angra 3* projects,” said Philippe Samama, senior executive vice-president of AREVA’s Reactors & Services Business Group.

*Located at the Angra site are two pressurized water reactors: Angra 1, with an output of 640 MWe, connected to the grid in 1985 and Angra 2, with an output of 1,350 MWe, connected to the grid in 2001. The project to construct Angra 3, a 1,405 MWe pressurized water reactor, was restarted by the Brazilian government in 2006 to meet the country’s growing energy need and balance the energy mix.

AREVA is a world leader in nuclear power. The group’s offer to utilities covers every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, reactor design and construction, and operating services. Its expertise and uncompromising dedication to safety make it a leading industry player.
AREVA also invests in renewable energies to develop, via partnerships, high technology solutions.
Through the complementary nature of nuclear and renewables, AREVA’s 45,000 employees contribute to building tomorrow’s energy model: supplying the greatest number of people with energy that is safer and with less CO2.

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