Today, Blue Wolf Capital Partners, a New York-based private equity firm, announced that its portfolio company, BW SLC Holdings, LLC, will be donating $1 million from the proceeds generated by last year’s sale of Suwannee Lumber Company, LLC to Conifex Timber, Inc. The donation will be allocated to local charities in Dixie County over the next five years under the supervision of the Board of Managers of BW SLC Holdings, LLC. The first four donations – of $50,000 each – will be presented to Dixie County’s Anti-Drug Coalition, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Education Foundation, and Dixie County High School’s AVID program on January 8th at noon at Putnam Lodge in Cross City, Florida.

The first recipients were selected by the Board of Managers of BW SLC Holdings, LLC under the leadership of its Chairman, Frank “Bump” Faircloth, for their valuable work and dedication in Dixie County – one of the least populated and lowest income counties in Florida. The donations are driven by Blue Wolf’s belief that corporate owners have a responsibility to support the local communities where their operations are located. These donations will help the community that has sustained Suwannee Lumber Company for decades and will cultivate new talent and skilled workers for the mill in the future.

“Nearly six years ago, Blue Wolf saw an opportunity to invest in Suwannee Lumber Company and improve a business that this community has relied on for over 60 years,” said Adam Blumenthal, Managing Partner, Blue Wolf Capital Partners. “When we sold the business to Conifex Timber this past year, we knew that it only made sense for us to give back to Dixie County and ensure Suwannee’s success by building a new foundation of skilled and able workers. The Suwannee story is representative of Blue Wolf’s commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance principles that help create value in our investments. We thank Bump for his partnership in this new effort, and we look forward to working with Dixie County in the years to come.”

“Suwannee Lumber Company has been a part of the soul of Dixie County for years, and I am truly grateful to Blue Wolf and the other owners of BW SLC Holdings, LLC, for giving back to the community that has sustained us all of these years,” said Bump Faircloth, former Chairman and CEO of Suwannee Lumber Company. “When we faced challenges, our friends at Blue Wolf came aboard and gave us the boost we needed to remain a fixture of this community. Our impact on this county will now be amplified as we commit to helping our kids, our families, and our friends for years to come.”

This unprecedented donation will help support Dixie County’s local charities by:

  • Funding the Anti-Drug Coalition’s creation of a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC), providing a network of services to address substance abuse problems among residents.
  • Supporting the Overcomers Organization as it assists individuals currently in recovery from substance addiction and abuse.
  • Working with the Dixie County Education Foundation to assist high school graduates seeking career/technical certifications to improve their chances of employment in skilled jobs.
  • Assisting Dixie County High School’s AVID program, which will continue to provide organizational and academic support for students who seek to enroll and succeed in college/technical school.

“With the opioid epidemic ravaging the communities around the country, this donation helps us expand our life-changing programs and provides hope to those overcoming addiction. We thank Bump and our friends at Blue Wolf for their support,” said Katrina VanAernam, Executive Director, Dixie County Anti-Drug Coalition.

“For decades, we’ve worked to empower coaches, communities, and young athletes so that they change the world together. Blue Wolf’s generosity provides even more fuel that will carry on our work and ensure that our vision is realized in Dixie County,” said Joe Mack Locke, Dixie County Coordinator, Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

“We thank Blue Wolf and Bump Faircloth for joining us in supporting the students of Dixie County. This generous contribution provides a foundation for future success and ensures that our students have the support they need to have the skilled jobs of the future,” said Kathryn McInnis, President, Dixie County Education Foundation.

“Through this gift, Dixie County High School can boost its efforts to increase opportunities for our students and invest in their future. Blue Wolf and Bump Faircloth are helping us ensure academic success and provide a new class of educated, skilled workers for Dixie County’s future,” said Paul Bennett, Principal, Dixie County High School.

About Blue Wolf Capital Partners

Blue Wolf Capital Partners LLC is a private equity firm that specializes in control investments in middle market companies. Leading by experience, and with a commitment to excellence, Blue Wolf transforms companies strategically, operationally and collaboratively. Blue Wolf manages challenging situations and complex relationships between business, customers, employees, unions, and regulators to build value for stakeholders. For additional information, please visit