Families, teachers, community members, City Council, and downtown business owners will celebrates school choice at Entirety K-12’s annual Family Night Block Party in historic downtown Brooksville, beginning at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24.

Natalie Kahler, city council member for Brooksville, will be speaking about the importance of school choice.

Main Street between Broad and Liberty will be closed to make room for vendors and food trucks, and students will perform the National School Choice Week dance.

Parking will be available across the street at the courthouse and other convenient locations within walking distance. Restaurants and food trucks will be open for dinner and snacks.

This event is planned to coincide with the history-making celebration of National School Choice Week 2018, which will feature more than 32,000 school choice events across all 50 states.

“Deepak Chopra stated, ‘When you make a choice, you change the future.’ What better way to ensure the success of our children’s future than to choose the direction of their academic path,” said Bonnie Hamby, Administrator at Entirety. “We at Entirety are proud to be a part of the school choice program and recognize the importance of the decision our families make when selecting our school for their child’s education. We participate and celebrate NSCW every year to acknowledge the freedom and opportunity our students enjoy when deciding to attend Entirety K-12.”

For more information, contact Dr. Penny Bryson or Bonnie Hamby at (352) 583-4185 or entirety-k12@tampabay.rr.com

As a nonpartisan, nonpolitical public awareness effort, National School Choice Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for students, families, and communities around the country.

For more information, visit www.schoolchoiceweek.com, or visit www.facebook.com/schoolchoiceweek.