If we compare the Bitcoin coins that are currently in an unrealized loss state (the price has increased since purchase) and those that are in an unrealized loss state (the price has decreased since purchase) we can get an interesting picture. Let's start with a chart whose coins have an "age" of more than 155 days, in other words, Bitcoins that have been held by their holder for at least 155 days:

Bitcoin: Long term Holder NUPL / Bitcoin price (2018-2021)

Source: Glassnode

This chart highlights the periods when coins have been in profit or loss. When the curve goes below the 0 value (shown in red), coins with a lifetime of more than 155 days are in loss. We can see that over the last three years, overall the share of the network that holds its coins for more than 155 days is in profit (except for the 5-month period between November 2018 and April 2019). The "holder Bitcoin" category can be happy with this graph. On the other hand, let's check the "trader Bitcoin" category, in other words, coins that are kept less than 155 days on the network.

Bitcoin: Short term holder NUPL / Bitcoin price (2018-2021)

Source: Glassnode

At a glance, the trend has even reversed. We regularly find relatively long periods where coins with a lifetime of less than 155 days are in a state of loss on the network. By holding Bitcoin for more than 155 days, the odds of being in profit are therefore in your favor as opposed to holding less. As I write this, the trend is playing with the break-even point, hovering around the 0 value for this category. Again, past performance is no guide to future performance, especially since several experts believe that Bitcoin's dominance  should fade over time, particularly in favor of more promising assets.