STORY: :: Proxies of Biden and Trump contrast the two candidates before the CNN debate

:: June 27, 2024

:: Atlanta, Georgia

:: Gavin Newsom, Democratic Governor of California

"You know, if he shows up congruent, strong, confident, it puts it to rest. I mean, look, at the end of the day, you've got two older candidates. Trump's only three years younger. And I think the contrast is really around values and vision and ideas. You've got someone who wants to roll back most of the progress last half century and put America in reverse, on voting rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, women's rights, access to abortion, contraception, and someone that wants to own the future. Fresh air of progress as it relates to work he's done on Chips and Science Act, infrastructure, etc. So to me, it's really about the age of ideas, the staleness of Trump's ideas compared to the vibrancy and vision of President Biden's."

:: Byron Donalds, Republican Congressman

"The American people realize when something is fake, when something is phony, they know when the fix is in, they know when something is political. That's what happened to Donald Trump in Lower Manhattan [REFERRING TO HIS CONVICTION IN HIS FRAUD TRIAL]. This was a violation of his constitutional rights, but it was also interfering in a presidential election. And so, I think the American people have already spoken on that. I don't think it's going to really weigh in at all because at the end of the day, the American people are worried about the future of this country, not the political games that are played by the Democrats."