According to environment ministry data, concentrations of hazardous airborne particles known as PM2.5, a main measure of smog, stood at 205 micrograms per cubic meter in Beijing on Monday morning.

However, the warning of the impending air pollution during Beijing 2022 hardly clouded the residents' sense of anticipation for the Games.

"This kind of pollution does not make for a good weather, but it won't dampen the anticipation we have for the Olympics, as well as the performance of the athletes," said 25 year-old Zhou Biqiu, who added that she can always wear a mask when the weather is bad.

Beijing and the surrounding province of Hebei, both prone to smog in winter months, will take emergency action to curb heavy pollution, but will at the same time aim to minimize the impact on the economy, said environment ministry spokesman Liu Youbin.

Last year, Beijing's average concentrations of PM2.5 fell 13% to 33 micrograms per cubic meter, meeting China's 35-microgram standard for the first time.