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Date Announced






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Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Securities) has publicly reprimanded Golden Plus Holdings Berhad (GPLUS) for the delay in submitting its annual audited accounts and annual report for the financial year ended 31 December 2009 (AAA 2009 and AR 2009), and quarterly report for the financial period ended 31 March 2010 (QR 1/2010).

In addition, GPLUS directors and the relevant personnel are required to attend a training programme on compliance with the listing requirements, particularly pertaining to financial statements.

Paragraphs 9.22(1) and 9.23 of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements (Main Market LR) require a listed issuer to announce / issue its quarterly report, annual audited accounts and annual report within the following timeframe:-
- quarterly report within two months after the end of each quarter of a financial year;
- annual audited accounts together with the auditors' and directors' report within four months from the close of the financial year, unless the annual report is issued within a period of four months from the close of the financial year; and
- annual report that includes the annual audited accounts together with the auditors' and directors' report within six months from the close of the financial year.

GPLUS's AAA 2009, which was due on 30 April 2010, was issued on 30 July 2010 while the AR 2009, which was due on 30 July 2010, was issued on 7 September 2010. The QR 1/2010, which was due on 31 May 2010, was issued on 8 June 2010.

The AAA 2009, AR 2009 and QR 1/2010 were issued by the directors after the cessation of the Provisional Liquidator on 10 May 2010 and finalisation of the outstanding quarterly reports for the financial year 2009 on 31 May 2010.

The public reprimand and directive were imposed pursuant to paragraph 16.19(1) of the Main Market LR after taking into consideration all facts and circumstances of the matter, including the fact that GPLUS had committed similar breaches previously, and upon completion of due process.

Whilst Bursa Securities has not made a finding that any of the directors of GPLUS caused or permitted the breach, Bursa Securities nevertheless wishes to highlight that it is the responsibility of directors of listed companies to ensure compliance with the Main Market LR. The Board of Directors of GPLUS at the material time is as follows:-
Dato' Setia Abdul Halim bin Dato' Haji Abdul Rauf
Low Thiam Hoe (Retired on 30 September 2010)
Goh Sin Tien
Yeoh Hor San
Dato' Jeyaraj a/l V. Ratnaswamy
Dato' Yahaya bin Udin
Tan Sri Dato' Haji Lamin bin Haji Mohd Yunus

Bursa Securities views the contraventions seriously and reminds GPLUS and its Board of Directors of their obligation to uphold appropriate standards of responsibility and accountability to its shareholders and the investing public.