News Release Information

Monday, January 07, 2019

Average weekly wages in all 18 large counties in New York increased from the second quarter of 2017 to the second quarter of 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported today. (Large counties are defined as those with employment of 75,000 or greater as measured by 2017 annual average employment.) Chief Regional Economist Martin Kohli noted that New York County had the largest growth in average weekly wages, 4.4 percent, followed by Saratoga County, 4.3 percent, and Albany County, 4.2 percent. (See chart 1 and table 1.)

Seven of New York's large counties reported average weekly wages above the $1,055 national average in the second quarter of 2018. Average weekly wages in New York and Westchester Counties exceeded $1,300.

Seventeen of the 18 large counties in New York had employment gains from June 2017 to June 2018. Saratoga County had the largest gain, up 2.7 percent, while Oneida and Suffolk Counties had the smallest gains, each at 0.1 percent. Employment was unchanged in Monroe County. Nationally, employment grew 1.5 percent from June 2017 to June 2018 as 309 of the 349 largest U.S. counties added jobs. (See chart 2.)

Employment and wage levels (but not over-the-year changes) are also available for the 44 counties in New York with employment levels below 75,000. Average wages in all but two of these smaller counties were below the national average in the second quarter of 2018. (See table 2.)

Large county wage changes

Seven of New York's large counties had average weekly wage growth above the national average of 3.4 percent from the second quarter of 2017 to the second quarter of 2018. (See table 1.) New York County ranked 44th with an over-the-year wage gain of 4.4 percent. Saratoga County ranked 50th and Albany County 59th among the 349 large counties in the nation with over-the-year wage increases of 4.3 and 4.2 percent, respectively. Four other New York counties had annual wage gains of at least 3.5 percent and placed in the top third of the national ranking: Orange, Queens, Broome, and Onondaga.

Nationally, 340 of the 349 largest counties had over-the-year increases in average weekly wages. Marin, CA, had the largest second quarter over-the-year wage gain at 11.7 percent. King, WA, and Lake, IL, tied for the second largest increase, each at 9.3 percent.

Eight large U.S. counties registered wage declines over the year. New Hanover, NC, had the largest over-the-year percentage decrease in average weekly wages with a loss of 6.4 percent.

Large county average weekly wages

New York County had the highest average weekly wage in the state at $2,205 and ranked fourth among the 349 largest U.S. counties. Westchester County ($1,353) ranked 21st. Five additional counties (Albany, Bronx, Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk) had average weekly wages that placed them in the top 100 nationwide. Broome ($866) and Oneida ($833) reported the lowest average weekly wages among the state's large counties and ranked 273rd and 302nd, respectively.

Nationally, average weekly wages were higher than average in 94 of the largest 349 counties. Santa Clara, CA, held the top position among the highest-paid large counties with an average weekly wage of $2,573. San Mateo, CA, was second at $2,357, followed by San Francisco, CA ($2,083), and New York, NY ($2,025).

Among the 255 counties with an average weekly wage below the U.S. average in the second quarter of 2018, Horry County, SC ($625) reported the lowest wage, followed by Cameron ($642) and Hidalgo ($645) Counties in Texas. Average wages in the lowest-ranked county, Horry, TX, were less than one-quarter of the wages reported for the highest-ranked county, Santa Clara, CA.

Large county employment

Employment rose in 17 of the 18 largest counties in New York from June 2017 to June 2018. Five counties (Saratoga, Kings, Queens, Rockland, and Orange) had employment growth above the national rate of 1.5 percent.

Nationally, employment grew in 309 of the 349 largest counties nationwide. Midland, TX, had the largest over-the-year percentage increase in employment (11.6 percent).McLean, IL, experienced the largest over-the-year percentage decrease in employment, with a loss of 2.0 percent.

In New York, employment was highest in New York County (2,474,700) followed by Kings (772,500), Queens (708,100), Suffolk (688,300), and Nassau (647,200). Altogether, New York's large counties accounted for 85.7 percent of total state employment. Nationwide, the 349 largest counties made up 72.9 percent of total U.S. employment.

Average weekly wages in New York's smaller counties

Forty-two of New York's 44 counties with employment below 75,000 had average weekly wages below the national average of $1,055. Schenectady ($1,076) and Steuben ($1,055) were the exceptions. (See table 2.) Yates and Hamilton Counties reported the lowest average weekly wages at $679 and $694, respectively.

When all 62 counties in New York were considered, all but 13 had wages below $1,000. Twelve counties reported average weekly wages less than $800, 26 had wages from $800 to $899, and 11 had wages from $900 to $999. Eleven of the 13 counties with an average weekly wage at or above $1,000 were in the eastern part of the state. The counties with the lowest average weekly wage, under $800, were primarily located in the northern and western parts of the state. (See chart 3.)

Additional statistics and other information

Quarterly data for states have been included in this release in table 3. For additional information about quarterly employment and wages data, please read the Technical Note or visit

Employment and Wages Annual Averages Online features comprehensive information by detailed industry on establishments, employment, and wages for the nation and all states. The 2017 edition of this publication, which was published in September 2018, contains selected data produced by Business Employment Dynamics (BED) on job gains and losses, as well as selected data from the first quarter 2018 version of the national news release. Tables and additional content from Employment and Wages Online Annual Averages 2017 are now available online at The 2018 edition of Employment and Wages Annual Averages Online will be available in September 2019.

The County Employment and Wages release for third quarter 2018 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, February 20, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. (ET).

New BLS Local Data iPhone App Includes QCEW

Data BLS has partnered with the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of the Chief Information Officer to develop a new mobile app for iPhones. The BLS Local Data app is ideal for customers, such as jobseekers and economic and workforce development professionals, who want to know more about local labor markets. For more information, please go to:

Technical Note

Average weekly wage data by county are compiled under the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, also known as the ES-202 program. The data are derived from summaries of employment and total pay of workers covered by state and federal unemployment insurance (UI) legislation and provided by State Workforce Agencies (SWAs). The average weekly wage values are calculated by dividing quarterly total wages by the average of the three monthly employment levels of those covered by UI programs. The result is then divided by 13, the number of weeks in a quarter. It is to be noted, therefore, that over-the-year wage changes for geographic areas may reflect shifts in the composition of employment by industry, occupation, and such other factors as hours of work. Thus, wages may vary among counties, metropolitan areas, or states for reasons other than changes in the average wage level. Data for all states, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), counties, and the nation are available on the BLS Web site at; however, data in QCEW press releases have been revised and may not match the data contained on the Bureau's Web site.

QCEW data are not designed as a time series. QCEW data are simply the sums of individual establishment records reflecting the number of establishments that exist in a county or industry at a point in time. Establishments can move in or out of a county or industry for a number of reasons-some reflecting economic events, others reflecting administrative changes.

The preliminary QCEW data presented in this release may differ from data released by the individual states as well as from the data presented on the BLS Web site. These potential differences result from the states' continuing receipt, review and editing of UI data over time. On the other hand, differences between data in this release and the data found on the BLS Web site are the result of adjustments made to improve over-the-year comparisons. Specifically, these adjustments account for administrative (noneconomic) changes such as a correction to a previously reported location or industry classification. Adjusting for these administrative changes allows users to more accurately assess changes of an economic nature (such as a firm moving from one county to another or changing its primary economic activity) over a 12-month period. Currently, adjusted data are available only from BLS press releases.

Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; Federal Relay Service: (800) 877-8339.

Area Employment Average weekly wage
June 2018 (thousands) Percent change, June 2017-18 National ranking by percent change Second quarter 2018 National ranking by level Percent change, second quarter 2017-18 National ranking by percent change

United States

147,431.2 1.5 -- 1055 -- 3.4 --

New York

9,579.2 1.7 -- 1297 3 4.5 4

Albany, NY

235.5 0.4 271 1138 61 4.2 59

Bronx, NY

322.2 1.2 176 1058 94 2.3 244

Broome, NY

87.9 0.7 235 866 273 3.7 93

Dutchess, NY

114.5 0.7 235 1038 106 1.4 307

Erie, NY

475.0 0.4 271 949 183 3.2 150

Kings, NY

772.5 2.5 63 918 208 2.2 253

Monroe, NY

391.6 0.0 310 996 149 3.1 160

Nassau, NY

647.2 0.5 257 1175 51 2.5 225

New York, NY

2,474.7 0.7 235 2025 4 4.4 44

Oneida, NY

107.4 0.1 303 833 302 2.6 216

Onondaga, NY

249.4 0.5 257 984 161 3.7 93

Orange, NY

148.5 1.8 110 941 190 4.0 69

Queens, NY

708.1 2.1 82 1062 91 3.9 77

Richmond, NY

124.0 1.4 144 997 148 3.4 124

Rockland, NY

129.3 2.0 94 1016 126 2.6 216

Saratoga, NY

92.7 2.7 48 995 150 4.3 50

Suffolk, NY

688.3 0.1 303 1134 65 3.4 124

Westchester, NY

441.9 0.9 206 1353 21 1.4 307

Note: Data are preliminary. Covered employment and wages includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.

Area Employment
June 2018

United States

147,431,154 $1,055

New York

9,579,225 1,297


235,483 1,138


13,069 804


322,205 1,058


87,930 866


29,325 789


26,685 860


50,049 778


35,893 894


17,886 869


34,801 867


22,878 791


18,036 808


15,107 853


114,485 1,038


474,972 949


15,295 816


18,672 863


17,378 787


24,926 777


15,642 797


1,977 694


17,698 777


43,066 800


772,476 918


6,911 807


21,273 799


21,783 805


391,582 996


19,997 783


647,173 1,175

New York

2,474,658 2,025


74,696 810


107,437 833


249,426 984


55,101 912


148,523 941


12,536 834


34,408 929


24,672 846


27,600 1,036


708,088 1,062


55,320 978


123,985 997


129,324 1,016


92,711 995


64,367 1,076


9,351 809


5,461 763


13,159 831

St. Lawrence

36,134 891


38,335 1,055


688,312 1,134


29,690 826


13,984 997


51,220 1,014


62,679 860


41,437 817


16,038 838


29,108 823


441,882 1,353


14,268 809


7,296 679

Note: Data are preliminary. Covered employment and wages includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.

State Employment Average weekly wage
June 2018 (thousands) Percent change, June 2017-18 Second quarter 2018 National ranking by level Percent change, second quarter 2017-18 National ranking by percent change

United States

147,431.2 1.5 $1,055 -- 3.4 --


1,969.9 1.2 882 37 2.8 35


335.8 -0.9 1,043 15 3.7 9


2,770.8 2.6 973 23 3.3 19


1,214.6 0.7 824 47 1.7 47


17,473.1 1.9 1,265 4 4.6 3


2,704.4 2.4 1,075 10 3.2 27


1,704.5 0.3 1,218 5 0.1 50


454.3 1.3 1,023 17 1.4 49

District of Columbia

777.3 1.3 1,713 1 2.6 39


8,568.9 2.1 931 28 2.9 32


4,440.5 2.0 979 22 2.3 43


658.3 0.5 956 24 2.5 41


745.3 3.1 794 50 3.8 8


6,061.1 0.8 1,097 9 3.4 14


3,075.8 1.1 883 36 2.8 35


1,583.7 0.8 880 39 3.3 19


1,393.3 1.0 879 40 3.4 14


1,905.9 0.9 882 37 2.3 43


1,918.6 0.4 901 33 3.7 9


636.8 1.0 843 45 3.6 11


2,712.0 0.7 1,141 8 3.4 14


3,650.1 1.0 1,322 2 3.5 12


4,424.7 1.3 997 20 2.9 32


2,925.6 0.8 1,072 12 3.3 19


1,130.7 0.2 752 51 2.7 38


2,829.0 0.5 924 30 3.9 7


478.7 1.1 817 48 2.5 41


990.8 0.6 859 43 3.1 29


1,372.4 3.1 931 28 3.3 19

New Hampshire

670.8 0.8 1,049 14 3.3 19

New Jersey

4,157.0 0.9 1,201 7 2.3 43

New Mexico

823.6 1.0 852 44 3.5 12

New York

9,579.2 1.7 1,297 3 4.5 4

North Carolina

4,450.2 2.2 933 25 3.3 19

North Dakota

426.1 0.8 986 21 3.4 14


5,461.3 0.7 933 25 2.3 43


1,606.4 1.2 875 41 3.2 27


1,947.3 1.5 999 18 3.3 19


5,924.9 1.1 1,031 16 3.1 29

Rhode Island

491.0 0.7 998 19 1.7 47

South Carolina

2,126.5 3.4 833 46 0.0 51

South Dakota

439.7 0.9 807 49 2.8 35


2,994.1 1.6 932 27 2.9 32


12,326.3 2.2 1,062 13 3.4 14


1,483.9 3.4 899 35 4.3 5


312.4 -0.8 907 31 4.3 5


3,941.0 1.3 1,073 11 2.6 39


3,444.1 2.7 1,218 5 6.9 1

West Virginia

702.9 1.6 868 42 4.8 2


2,933.5 0.9 904 32 3.3 19


282.2 0.5 901 33 3.0 31

Puerto Rico

853.5 -2.3 543 5.2

Virgin Islands

33.4 -14.4 838 12.8

Note: Data are preliminary. Covered employment and wages includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.


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BLS - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published this content on 07 January 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 January 2019 16:18:06 UTC