Broadband infrastructure will be expanded from Pinware to Red Bay in the Southern Labrador region, thanks in part to an investment from the Government of Canada.  The Honourable Rob Moore, Regional Minister for Newfoundland and Labrador and Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), today announced $210,000 in funding for SmartLabrador to implement the initiative.

Work on the project will include the placement of approximately 40 kilometres of fibre and the installation of electronic equipment in the area, which is expected to be complete by spring 2015.  The new infrastructure will benefit the region by enhancing economic development capacity and improving the ability of local businesses to establish, expand and operate more effectively. 

In particular, the addition of new broadband infrastructure is expected to have a positive impact on tourism, which is a key economic driver in Southern Labrador. The region encompasses Red Bay, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2013, as well as other tourism attractions such as whale watching and icebergs.  Enhanced broadband services in the area will greatly improve telecommunications reliability, and enable tourism operators and other businesses to use improved technology and e-commerce services to grow and compete more effectively.

Quick Facts:

  • The Government of Canada is contributing $210,000 towards the project through ACOA's Innovative Communities Fund.
  • Bell Aliant is contributing $200,000 to support the project.
  • SmartLabrador is a not-for-profit organization established in 2003 to help build information technology capacity in Labrador through initiatives such as improving broadband access for Labrador communities.


"Our Government is pleased to support initiatives like this one that strengthen infrastructure in rural areas of Atlantic Canada.  Broadband expansion in Southern Labrador addresses an important infrastructure need that will enhance business opportunities in the region, support the area's tourism potential and help create an improved environment for business expansion and growth."

-The HonourableRob Moore, Regional Minister for Newfoundland and Labrador and Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)

 "Today's announcement is important for residents of Southern Labrador who have growing needs for the internet and have embraced online services as a key part of their lives. With increasing demands for internet services in all sectors, faster, more reliable broadband services are imperative to local development and to the local business community, if they are to compete globally. Faster broadband services will help to foster local business innovation and will encourage the development of new online services and applications. We look forward to how this initiative will help respond to the needs and the demands of local businesses, community and government services."

-Sheila Downer, Executive Director, SmartLabrador

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Kelsie Corey
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Rob Moore
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Julie Afonso
Acting Director, Public Affairs

Sheila Downer
Executive Director

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