Kasasa®, an award-winning financial technology and marketing provider, announced it is now the fourth largest banking branch network in the nation, with 907 community financial institutions (CFIs) currently partnered with Kasasa. As demand for the company’s rewards accounts and the Kasasa Loan® strengthens, Kasasa continues to be the preferred choice for consumers.

The 907 CFIs partnered with Kasasa represent 3,408 branches across all 50 states and 1,749,065 accounts. Combining all CFIs and branches, Kasasa would be the fourth largest branch network with only three having broader retail distribution. Larger in reach than even U.S. Bank, Kasasa-carrying community bank and credit union branches are poised to overtake Bank of America’s branch count within the next year.

Known for reinventing checking, Kasasa is committed to helping CFIs meet consumer needs through innovative products that deliver disruptively good value. Its free, rewards-based checking and savings accounts require no minimum balance and enable CFIs to increase noninterest income, reduce overall expenses and compete with megabanks. Compared to standard free checking, Kasasa accounts deliver 50 percent more accounts in the first year, up to two times annual profit per account and 45 percent more non-interest income.

Kasasa client Thad Angelle of MCT Credit Union said, “I have been CEO since 2010. We were at $160 million in assets. We're now $316 million in assets and that's all organic growth. I attribute that growth to the Kasasa products.”

“Offering Kasasa to our members has been phenomenal,” said Jerry King, President and CEO of DEXSTA Federal Credit Union. “Members tell us how much they like their Kasasa account and have certainly made us aware of how satisfied they are with their Kasasa rewards.”

In addition to reinventing checking, Kasasa has reinvented lending. Most people want to get out of debt and know that the fastest route to financial freedom is paying ahead, but few do so because it will deplete their savings or rainy day fund. Launched last year, the Kasasa Loan™ is transforming the way people think about borrowing money by introducing a new concept called take-backs™. It is the only loan that lets the borrower pay ahead to reduce debt, but take that extra back if they need it, making it the most people-friendly loan available on the market today.

“We created Kasasa to help community financial institutions shout more loudly than any one of them could individually,” said Gabe Krajicek, CEO of Kasasa. “With one, big, collective voice now representing the fourth largest network of branches in the country, we are letting consumers know they have a choice. They can get world class financial products from local institutions that live in and love the same communities they do. Becoming the fourth largest banking branch validates that consumers and community institutions alike value what we’re doing.”

Krajicek added for the mega banks, “Bank of America, standing at #3, we’ll pass you in a year. And Wells Fargo at #1, we’re coming for you. Stay tuned – the good guys are going to win.”

To increase consumer satisfaction, Kasasa works with CFIs to provide the rewards that customers expect. In addition to providing ATM fee refunds, Kasasa accounts also issue rewards by way of interest, cash back, and Amazon®, iTunes® and Google Play® credits, with total rewards to date reaching over $505 million.

About Kasasa

Kasasa® is an award-winning financial technology and marketing provider. Based in Austin, Texas, with more than 400 employees, Kasasa® helps approximately 907 community financial institutions establish long lasting relationships with consumers residing in their local markets through its branded retail products, world class marketing capabilities, and expert consulting. The company reinvented checking and is now reinventing lending through its latest patent-pending offering, Kasasa LoansTM. Learn more about Kasasa®’s innovative products and services:

Reward Checking Accounts

Kasasa LoanTM – The only loan with take-backs

Marketing & Technology

Websites That Sell

Consulting & Insights

For more information, please visit www.Kasasa.com, follow our blog at Kasasa.com/blog, or share with us on Twitter @Kasasa, Facebook, or LinkedIn.