Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (TSX: AX.UN) ("Artis" or the "REIT") announced today that, as part of its commitment to promoting the use of energy efficient landlord and tenant practices and reduce potential adverse effects on the environment, it received Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certification at eight of its office properties, seven in Canada and one in the United States.
In January 2015, LEED Platinum certification was awarded to 220 Portage Avenue in Winnipeg, Manitoba, while LEED Gold certification was awarded to Stampede Station, 800 5th Avenue, and 109
Quarry Park Blvd SE located in Calgary, Alberta, 360 Main located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and North
Scottsdale Corporate Centre II located in Scottsdale Arizona. The MTS Place buildings, located at
333 Main Street and 191 Pioneer Avenue in Winnipeg, Manitoba also received LEED Silver certification.
Through the creation and management of environmental programs and protection policies, Artis endeavors to minimize its potential environmental impact such as excess waste generation, and seeks to use energy efficient and environmentally friendly products in its buildings. To date, Artis has
18 properties with a LEED designation, 24 properties with a Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Building Environmental Standards (BESt) certification, and 23 properties with an Energy Star rating.
For more information about Artis' commitment to sustainability, please visit us online at
Artis is a diversified Canadian real estate investment trust investing in office, industrial and retail properties. Since 2004, Artis has executed an aggressive but disciplined growth strategy, building a portfolio of commercial properties in Canada and the United States, with a major focus on Western Canada. As of today's date, Artis' commercial property comprises approximately 25.6 million square feet of leasable area.
At September 30, 2014, actual year-to-date Property Net Operating Income ("Property NOI") by asset class was approximately 24.3% retail, 51.9% office and 23.8% industrial. Property NOI by geographical region was approximately 8.3% in British Columbia, 38.9% in Alberta, 5.6% in Saskatchewan, 12.2% in Manitoba, 12.4% in Ontario and 22.6% in the U.S.
Property NOI is a non-GAAP measure. Artis calculates Property NOI as revenues, measured in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, less property operating expenses such
as taxes, utilities, repairs and maintenance, and does not include charges for interest and amortization or income from joint arrangements accounted for as equity investments.
For further information please contact Mr. Armin Martens, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jim Green, Chief Financial Officer or Ms. Heather Nikkel, Director - Investor Relations of the REIT at 1.204.947.1250

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