Emphasizing its legislative priorities for 2019, the Arizona Technology Council today announced its annual Public Policy Guide is available for download here. The top priorities for this year include improving the business climate for technology-based companies by providing more sources for risk capital, supporting STEM-focused education, attracting STEM talent required to compete in a global innovation economy, improving the state’s tax and healthcare system, and supporting efforts to advance autonomous vehicle science, safety and policy.

“Our public policy priorities for 2019 are aimed at improving the business climate for the growing number of startups and established technology companies here in Arizona,” said Steven G. Zylstra, the Council’s president and CEO. “As a leader in driving a pro-growth, business-focused state and federal technology agenda, the Council will strongly pursue the resolution of the tech-focused initiatives outlined in the Public Policy Guide.”

The Council is the principal advocate for science- and technology-based companies in Arizona. The organization continuously monitors federal, state and local legislation and policies that impact the sustainability and growth of Arizona’s technology industry. The Council also informs and educates policymakers who are essential to the state’s technology sector. From the U.S. Congress and the Office of the Governor to legislative committee rooms and city halls across the state, the Council focuses on key initiatives at the state and federal levels that accelerate technology growth. The Public Policy Guide is key to informing its members and the wider technology community.

The 2019 Public Policy Guide provides a detailed outline of the Council’s advocacy activities, featuring principles and positions to aid elected officials at all levels of government as they craft policies that will affect Arizona’s economy and technology sector for years to come.

The Council’s public policy priorities for 2019 include:

  • Look for opportunities to continue proven economic development programs, such as the Angel Investment Tax Credit and current levels of the Research and Development Tax Credit.
  • Support improvements to Arizona’s tax system that strengthen competitiveness and fairness, and are predictable. Specifically, that includes:
    • Ensure Arizona conforms to the recently passed federal tax law changes.
    • Recommend statutory clarification concerning the taxation of digital goods and services.
    • Endorse legislation that ensures Arizona complies with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Wayfair decision that allows states to tax remote sellers.
  • Consistently and sustainably fund the state’s education system, including pre-K, K-12, CTE, equitable access to dual enrollment, and postsecondary programs, as well as keeping the 20 percent teacher raise by 2020.
  • Restore fourth-year career and technical education (CTE) funding for programs that take four years to complete in key industries crucial to Arizona’s continued economic development such as engineering and manufacturing.
  • Promote the adoption of necessary statutes, guidelines, rules or agency positions that are needed to allow Arizona to leverage the federal rulemaking that enables associations to provide substantially enhanced Association Health Plans (AHPs) that will offer cost-effective health benefits to their members.
  • Champion the efforts of Arizona’s Institute of Automated Mobility and work to help advance all aspects of automated vehicle science, safety and policy with the integration of technology into Arizona’s transportation systems.
  • Advocate programs for smart cities development, including support of a bill at the federal level that requires public infrastructure to consist of broadband connectivity, smart technologies to enhance public utilities and cyber solutions to secure the energy grid.

For questions or to learn more about the Council’s public policy activities, please visit www.aztechcouncil.org.

About the Arizona Technology Council

The Arizona Technology Council is Arizona’s premier trade association for science and technology companies. Recognized as having a diverse professional business community, Council members work towards furthering the advancement of technology in Arizona through leadership, education, legislation and social action. The Council offers numerous events, educational forums and business conferences that bring together leaders, visionaries and community members to make an impact on the technology industry. These interactions contribute to the Council’s culture of growing member businesses and transforming technology in Arizona. To become a member or to learn more about the Arizona Technology Council, please visit www.aztechcouncil.org.