wanting a ban on the widespread use of blackface

Location: Alcoy, Spain

(Rita Bosaho, Spanish politician and activist)

"This tradition in the eyes of diversity in this country is absolutely nefarious for our racialised children who were born in this country and that need their empowerment reinforced. What this custom does is disempower them."

The Epiphany parades depict the biblical Three Kings who brought gifts to Jesus

King Balthazar, described in early Christian texts as an African, has his face painted black with red lips

In the eastern town of Alcoy, the kings are assisted by some 300 pages also wearing blackface

(Unidentified royal page)

"Well really the controversy comes from abroad because for the people of Alcoy there is no controversy because the pages represent a magical being and it has nothing to do with any racial aspect."

(Rita Bosaho, Spanish politician and activist)

"No matter how much people insist it has nothing to do with racism, it does have to do with racism because our skin is not entertainment."

A spokesperson for Spain's Equality Ministry was unavailable for comment

The local authority in Alcoy declined to be interviewed