Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, today announced the highest-valued public domain sales along with additional categories of highlighted sales from the past year. At $375,000 USD, had the highest price tag among domains sold through Sedo in 2016. Short domains were particularly popular; demonstrated by the most bid on web addresses having only one to three characters.

Top 5 Domain Sales

1.)         375,000     USD
2.) 224,224 USD
3.) 200,000 USD
4.) 150,000 USD
5.) 155,000 USD

Top 5 Most Popular Domains in Auctions
Each with 84 bids, there is a three-way tie for the most popular domain. And the trend towards short, concise web addresses continued this year and is clearly reflected in this category: all five of the chart toppers have no more than three characters. The release of new .at short domains fueled this trend even further.

1.) ö.at         84 Bids       7,400     EUR
2.) 84 Bids 113,611 EUR
3.) 84 Bids 6,900 EUR
4.) 82 Bids 5,320 USD
5.) 78 Bids 3,600 EUR

Top 5 Longest Domains
In contrast to high-priced short domains are the longest domains sold during 2016. These are significantly lower in price and are usually related to a particular niche topic. Domain names can be a maximum of 63 characters and 2016’s winner proudly stands at 60 characters.         60 Characters       250     USD 59 Characters 148 USD 41 Characters 500 EUR 40 Characters 100 EUR 36 Characters 404 USD

About Sedo
Sedo, headquartered in Cologne and Boston (USA), is the world's leading domain trading platform with 2 million customers and 19 million domains listed for sale. Sedo offers buyers and sellers a full suite of domain-related services, such as domain parking, appraisals, transfers as well as marketing and promotional activities.