January 30, 2015

Deadline approaches to renew Alaska livestock brands

(Palmer, AK) - Alaskans who have a registered brand or mark for their livestock should apply for renewal by March 2 to protect their exclusive rights under state law for use of the brand or mark. 

Branding or marking livestock animals and registering the brand or mark with the Division of Agriculture provides legal evidence of ownership and exclusive rights to use the brand or mark. Under AS 03.4.010, "any person owning cattle, reindeer, bison, musk ox, elk, sheep, horses, mules, or asses may adopt a brand or mark."

Branding is done with either a red hot or extremely cold iron. A mark is made by notching an animal's ear and is more common with elk and reindeer farming.  Currently, 161 brands or marks are registered with the State.

Registered brand holders in Alaska began receiving renewal notices from the division by mail in early January and are encouraged to send in their renewal applications by March 2, 2015.   At the end of March, any brand or mark that hasn't been renewed is open for others to register. To download the application, or to view renewal notices, go to http://dnr.alaska.gov/ag/Marketing/2015BrandApplication.pdf

The division publishes a brand book every five years, with a new book scheduled for publication this year. The division expects to mail out the book to every brand holder by the third week of May, at which time copies also will be available at the Division of Agriculture office located at 1800 Glenn Highway, Suite 12 in Palmer.

CONTACT: Kirk Brown, 907-761-3857, kirk.brown@alaska.gov


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