The AMF: AMF functioning & financial sector reforms

Four new appointments to the AMF's Board, the institution's main decision-making body, have been made by the various competent authorities. Six new appointments have also been made to the Enforcement Committee, the AMF's independent sanctioning body.

Board appointments

The Board, the AMF's main decision-making body, has 16 members. Of the six outgoing members in December 2013, three had reached the end of their second term of office; the remaining three could ask to be reappointed for another 5 years.By order published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on 20 December 2013, the minister of the Economy and Finance appointed two members following consultation with finance industry representative bodies:

  • Marie-Ange Debon, who was reappointed;
  • Jean-Claude Hanus, who replaces Olivier Poupart-Lafarge.

The vice-president of the Conseil d'Etat, the first president of the Court of Cassation and the first president of the Cour des Comptes respectively appointed:

  • Jean-Claude Hassan, Councillor of the Conseil d'Etat (replacing Jacques Delmas-Marsalet, whose second term of office had expired);
  • Martine Ract-Madoux, Court of Cassation trial judge, who was reappointed;
  • Michel Camoin, Senior Councellor of the Cour des Comptes (replacing Philippe Adhémar, whose second term of office had expired).

The president of the National Assembly appointed Thierry Philipponnat, Secretary-General of Finance Watch, to replace Jean-Michel Naulot, whose second term of office had expired.

Enforcement Committee appointments

Six of the 12 members of the AMF's Enforcement Committee have just been newly appointed.
By order published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on 20 December 2013, the minister of the Economy and Finance appointed four members following consultation with finance industry representative bodies:

  • Françoise Bonfante and
  • Anne-José Fulgeras for their financial and legal expertise, and their experience in public offerings and investment in financial instruments.
  • Lucien Millou and
  • Miriasi Thouch as employee representatives.

The vice-president of the Conseil d'Etat and the first president of the Court of Cassation respectively appointed:

  • Guillaume Goulard, Councillor of the Conseil d'État;
  • Christophe Soulard, Court of Cassation trial judge

The term of office of members of the Enforcement Committee is five years, renewable once.

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